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A few days later, I was throwing up into our toilet, wishing that the morning sickness would stop soon.

Unfortunately, me throwing up almost every morning while Maya was staying here, also meant that I couldn't keep the pregnancy from her.

She found out and now she was all excited. Her and Fred were chatting in the kitchen after I sent him out there, not needing him to hold my hair like usual.

I hated that he had to take care of me so much. I hated that he took care of me during my depressive days, I hated that he took care of me during my morning sickness.

After I finished throwing up, I brushed my teeth and joined Fred and Maya in the kitchen.

"Hi pretty." Fred grinned, leaning on his arms that rested on the kitchen counter. "Feeling better?"

"Shut up." I muttered, walking straight to the fridge that Maya was leaning against.

She quickly moved out of the way and I ripped open the door to the fridge, grabbing the orange juice.

I unscrewed the lid and then drank out of it but I quickly stopped. It smelled different and the taste was odd.

I swallowed what was in my mouth, then turned and looked towards Fred.

"Please tell me this isn't bad orange juice."

"Bad?" Fred walked over and took it from me, smelling it. "It smells perfectly fine. I just bought it yesterday."

"Maybe it's the pregnancy." Maya suggested. "Doesn't it change your senses of smell and taste?"

"Oh god..." I muttered when I felt the orange juice on its way back up.

I rushed to the bathroom and I threw up again. This time, Fred came in to hold my hair again and this time, he stayed even when I waved him away.

I felt his hand rub up and down my back in a soothing motion.

I hung over the toilet seat as I finished throwing up. I groaned and flushed, then put the lid of the toilet down, leaning over it instead.

"Alright, that may not be the most hygienic—"

"Shut up Fred."

"Yes, ma'am." He laughed, and I moved back against the wall, shutting my eyes.

"I hate this." I whined. "I hate feeling sick and throwing up."

"I know you do, love." He placed a hand on my knee, rubbing my skin with his thumb.

I forced myself to my feet and moved to the sink to brush my teeth again. Fred stood up as well, looking at me.

"What?" I asked, pushing the toothbrush into my mouth while putting the toothpaste back.

Fred chuckled.

"I can't look at you?"

"No." I muttered, and he smiled, walking closer to me.

He brushed my hair away from one shoulder and after pressing a kiss to the side of my neck, he walked back to Maya in the kitchen.

When I finished brushing my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment. Then I turned and left the bathroom while pulling my hair back, ripping my hair tie off my wrist to tie my hair up.

"Kai? What's going on with Carter?" Maya asked as the first thing when I joined her and Fred.

I stopped walking, stared at her and then looked at Fred who was pressing his lips together, eyes staring at Aaron who was eating.

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now