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The door slammed shut behind me as I marched into the flat as Fred was folding laundry which was a very rare thing for me to see.

I stopped to look up at him and he glanced at me, a faint smile resting on his lips.

"How was work?" he reached over to place one of my shirts in my pile, then looked at me while flicking his wand to make the laundry fold itself.

"It was... fine. Why are you home?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "You don't get off until six."

Fred leaned against the dining table and folded his arms over his chest, looking at me. His eyes were soft as he looked at me and I felt I could melt at the love that filled them.

"I came home to eat lunch with you." he told me. "Is that okay?"

He was acting odd. This wasn't the way he usually acted. I took a step closer to him and threw my keys on the table. He followed them with his eyes and when they landed on the table, he looked at me again as I slid off my jacket.

"What's going on?" I asked, throwing my jacket over a chair, then leaned on it, studying my husband closely. "What're you hiding? Why are you really home?"

"Why would I be lying?" he chuckled and ran his fingers along my jaw, but I moved back, pointing a finger at him.

"I know you, and I can tell when you lie." I said, although he had lied to me for years without me noticing. "You try to distract me."

He opened his mouth to speak when a thump came from our bedroom, earning the attention of us both.

"Fred, who's in our room?"

Fred shrugged and eyed me carefully.

"Aaron must've knocked something over."

I scoffed and started making my way to the door. I heard Fred sigh behind me, but he didn't try and stop me. I pushed down on the handle and shoved the door open.

A familiar person was bend over, picking up her phone. She was wearing nothing but underwear,  holding one of my t-shirts in her hand. She looked at me and then she straightened up.

The bed was unmade.


I turned away from her and looked towards Fred who was still leaning against the table, his head turned towards me.

"Why is my sister half-naked in our bedroom?"

"Kai–" Maya said again, but I reached in and shut the door, walking towards Fred again.

"Why is she standing in our room with no clothes on? Why is she not wearing any clothes? Why is the bed not made, and why the hell are you not at work when you told me you were!"

I was now standing in front of him, breathing heavily. My chest was hurting and my eyes stung as I fought the tears.

"I know what you think, Kai, but do you really think I'd do that?"

I shrugged.

"It's quite fucking obvious right now, Fred. Why do you–"

I ran my hands over my face, then looked towards the door to our bedroom. Fred placed his hands against my arms but I moved away.

Fred was trying to hide his smile, pressing his palm to his mouth, and that pissed me off.

"Are you fucking serious?!" I exclaimed. "You find this funny?!"

"No... c'mon, Kai. Lovely, calm down, yeah?" He said, taking a step towards me. "You're freaking out over nothing."

I was about to go off on him when the door opened and Maya came hurrying out, wearing a shirt now but still no trousers.

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