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"Oh god... no... no—no."

I quickly pulled up my trousers while Fred buttoned his. He was still seated on the floor. He just came inside of me, and now I was panicking.

"Kai— stop freaking out. Listen—"

"How could we forget?!" I snapped, turning towards him while reaching for my shirt. "How could we forget to use a fucking condom?!"


"This isn't happening." I shook my head, pulling my shirt on, before running both hands over my face and into my hair. "We can't— I can't get pregnant again. I can't go through that again!"

Fred got to his feet, shirtless as he approached me.

"Love, listen to me. I'm sorry that we forgot it, but try and calm down, okay? Take a deep breath and look at me."

I inhaled, my eyes finding his, and then I exhaled, shaking my head.

"I can't do it again." I whispered as he grabbed my hands and placed them around his neck, then stepped closer to me.

"I will go and I will get you the morning-after pill." He told me. "You don't have to do it again. We don't have to go through it again."

I clung to him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, and he had his arms wrapped tightly around my back.

"It's okay." He assured me, stroking a hand over my hair. "You're okay."

He ran his hands down to the back of my thighs, lifting me up. He wrapped my legs around his hips, and he just held me like that, hugging me as close as he could.

His hand was wrapped around my back, and his other caressed the skin of my neck.

"I need that pill." I whispered as he started walking to our bedroom, with me clinging to him.

"I know, love."

He sat down on the bed, me still straddling his hips. My eyes were shut, and I was taking in his scent.

I never ever wanted to let go of him.

"How about I text Angie and make her go buy one?" He asked. "Then you and I will stay here together, yeah?"

I nodded against his neck.

Fred managed to move back to sit against the headboard, holding me, and his other hand reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Can you ask her to buy some chocolate too?" I asked.

"Sure." Fred chuckled as he texted Angie. "Milk chocolate?"

"Yes. Thank you." I whispered, pressing a kiss to his hot skin.

A moment later, Fred dropped the phone onto the bed, and his arm joined his other arm around my back.

"She'll be over soon." He told me.

I hummed against his neck.

"Are you tired?" He asked, running one hand up and down my back.


"And upset too, I'm guessing."

"I just can't get pregnant again." I said in a whisper. "It hurts too much to miscarry all the time."

"I know, pretty girl." He said, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. "But Angie will be here soon with the morning-after-pill and we won't have to worry about it."

I pressed another kiss to his skin before I removed my head from his neck and looked at him.

"I love you." I whispered, running a hand to the nape of his neck.

He smiled in response and leaned in to kiss my lips.

"I'll take a shower." I breathed, crawling off of him.

"Okay. I'll go eat some of the pizza. I'm starting to grow hungry."

"Save some for me." I said, walking to the dresser to grab some clothes.

Fred came up behind me, slid one arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. Then he slid through the door and walked to the living room.

At the same time, I walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, a small yawn escaping me.

I walked over to drop my clothes on the toilet seat, but then my eyes landed on the open window, leading out to the forest behind our house.

I walked over to shut it, but as I reached it, I saw a reflection in the window. Me, but also someone moving behind me.

I gasped, my heart skipping a beat, and then I spun around, being faced with Theodore who very quickly pressed a hand to my mouth, and a wand to my throat.

My eyes were wide with fear. Theodore shushed me, leaning in so that his lips ghosted over my earlobe.

"You know what will happen if you fight me." He whispered. "So don't even try."

He carefully removed his hand from my mouth, testing me. Instead he cupped my jaw, his thumb stroking over my cheek.

"What are you doing, Theodore?" I asked in a whisper. "You know it won't end well. You won't get away with it."

"I won't?" He whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "What am I getting away with, Kai? I'm not doing anything illegal. I'm only claiming what's mine."

I shook my head and he must've sensed I was about to panic, because he quickly clammed a hand over my mouth again, pressing me further up against the window.

"Do you realise how hurtful it was for me to watch you fuck him?" He whispered. "Hearing you moan his name as you rode him?"

Oh god.

He had been in the house all this time. He had been here for at least forty minutes.

"I've found us a new place." He whispered, resting his forehead against my temple, and I could hear him inhale my scent. "My dear brother has helped me out."

At that, my eyes widened even more, but I didn't get to react in another way, before I felt everything shift as he disapparated, holding onto me.

Everything came into focus again, and when I realised he had succeeded, I broke.

He let go of my arm, and my knees hit the ground as a gut-wrenching scream erupted from my lungs.

Not again.

I screamed in pain, completely collapsing on the floor, the tears flowing from my eyes.

"Did you do it?" I heard Theodore ask someone that wasn't me. "Right now... did you do it?"

"Yes." A choked voice spoke, and I recognised that voice.

I raised my head a little, and when I saw Felix across the room, I screamed again, covering my face with my hands.

"Kai. Stop crying." Theodore said, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair.

Then he couched next to me.

"Why are you crying? No one is here to hurt you."

I shut my eyes, pressing my face against the ground, and Theodore started pulling at me, trying to get me to my feet.

"Get up, Kai. Stop lying on the floor."

I fought him. I started kicking at him, trying to get away, but it just pissed him off.

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to my feet, holding me in front of him.

"Listen..." he barked. "Felix over there just cast a spell on this entire house. You won't be able to apparate in or out. You won't be able to use magic in here. Now, I want you to go take a fucking shower because I can't stand to be near you when you've just fucked him."

"Let go of me."

He ignored me, dragging me with him. I didn't look around. I didn't know where I was, but soon I was in a bathroom.

"I'll get you clean clothes." Theodore told me as he shoved me into the bathroom. "This door will be locked and there is nothing out here you can use to cut up your own arm. Don't try to get creative."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now