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"Do you want something to eat?"

Fred was standing in the doorway to our room as I laid in bed the very next day, refusing to get up.

When I didn't answer, Fred stepped inside of the room and made his way to the bed.

"You haven't eaten for two days." He stated, but I still didn't answer.

The bed caved as he crawled onto it and I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"You have to eat." He whispered and leaned down to press a kiss to my jaw. "I'll make you something."


He seemed startled by the sudden sound of my voice.

"You can't starve yourself, Kai. You need to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"We've been through this before. You know you'll feel better if you eat something. Otherwise you'll get sick."

"I'm not hungry." I repeated, and Fred got off the bed before walking around to my side.

He crouched down and looked at my face while brushing his hand over my hair repeatedly.

"I had a look at the finance papers for the book shop." He said softly, eyes scanning over my face. "It's not looking good."

"I don't care." I whispered and it was true. I didn't enjoy owning the book shop as much as I had done earlier.

I had lost all happiness that came with working there. It was too stressful for me.

"Right. That's it." Fred stood up, grabbed my arms and forced me to sit up. "You're gonna go into the bathroom, freshen yourself up with a shower and I will make us breakfast. We will eat together like we always do and we will talk about this, seeing as it's happening to the both of us and not just you!"

"When have I said that it's just happening to me?" I asked calmly, staring straight at him with a look that could kill.

I shoved him away.

"And let go of me!" I exclaimed, watching him stumble back.

Fred took a deep breath.

"You don't think this hurts me as well?" He asked. "Do you realise how difficult it is, having to take care of you while I'm hurting just as much?!"

"I haven't asked you to take care of me!" I yelled. "I've asked you to leave me alone!"

"Good!" He yelled back. "Cuz' you're a grown arse woman and you should be able to take care of yourself!"

He marched out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him just as the pillow I threw, hit the door.

I cried as I threw myself back down, rolling over onto Fred's side of the bed. I hugged his pillow close to my face, crying into it as his scent surrounded me.

I could hear the front door slam shut and shortly after, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Kai?" Carter called out softly before opening the door. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." I breathed but I couldn't stop crying.

When Carter walked over and took a seat on the edge of the bed, I sat up, wiping my face with my hands.

"I'm not pregnant anymore." I whispered. "I bled yesterday and a healer came. I miscarried, and I'm still bleeding and I've got cramps and I— I'm still miscarrying."

I looked at my brother and he looked at me and when I started crying again, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Kai."

Obliviate ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now