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I was on the floor, sitting between the tub and the sink.

My knees were pulled to my chest and my arms were wrapped around them.

I kept trying to apparate. I kept trying even though it was no use. They had put a spell on the house and I couldn't do a thing to get away.

Felix was in on it.

After all of these years, he was in on it. He had been part of our friend group, Lee's boyfriend, and he had known about Theodore wanting to do this again.

Take me from my home.

I was shaking, and I was crying. I was waiting anxiously for Theodore to be back. I wasn't going to shower. I wasn't going to do anything he told me to.

When I heard the door unlock, I flinched. I stared in terror as it opened, and Theodore's tall figure walked in.

He looked at me, taking a step in before he shut the door behind him.

"Get in the tub." He told me, but I just stared at him, feeling the tears continue to stain my cheeks.

"I want to speak to Felix." I whispered, but he didn't seem to hear me.

He walked over to me, crouching in front of my body, and I looked away.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"I want you to take a shower, a bath or whatever." He said. "The rest of whatever smell he's left on you, will be gone, do you hear me?"

I shut my eyes.

This took me back to the last time all of those years ago. He was so obsessed with having me bathe away the scent of Fred.

He couldn't handle that I smelled of someone else. He wanted me to share his scent.

"I asked you a question." Theodore snapped, causing me to open my eyes again. "Do you hear me?"

When I still didn't answer, he slapped me across the face, and I gasped, my skin stinging worse than ever.

"You know what? Get up!" Theodore pulled me to my feet, using all of his strength, and I wrapped my arms around myself.

I knew he was going to undress me if I didn't do it myself.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, looking away. He was right in front of me, and the body heat radiating off of his body made me so uncomfortable. "I'll shower. Just please don't look at me."

He didn't say anything. He stared at me for a moment before he walked over to sit on the toilet seat.

"Get undressed." He told me, staring right ahead at the wall opposite of him.

I blinked a few times, feeling even more tears drop from my eyelashes.

My hands grabbed the hem of my shirt, the same shirt I took off earlier when I was with Fred.

I fought back a sob, forcing myself to pull off the shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra. I never bothered to put it back on.

I stared at Theodore. My eyes were locked on him, making sure I knew where he was at all time, making sure he didn't see my body.

He didn't look at me. He just stared at the wall, and then I slowly undid the buttons in my trousers, my hands shaking.

I pulled my trousers and my knickers down at the same time, needing to get this over with.

There was no shower curtain, so instead of standing up in the tub, I got in and I sunk down, pulling my knees to my chest, resuming the position from when I sat on the floor.

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