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Hi Everyone! Thanks for opening this book and giving it a chance! Before you start, please note that: 

1) Firstly and foremost, this is a BxB book. Meaning, there will be action between two men. If that isn't your cup of tea, you can take your tastes elsewhere and let it be.

2) This is a werewolf story and includes many concepts of a fantasy-supernatural kind of nature. I love the idea of soul mates and write many romance novels including this concept. 

3) Please no hate! I am completely okay with feedback! That's one of the best features of Wattpad, but there's a difference between constructive criticism and criticism. Feel free to make any comments or suggestions otherwise! I love reading what people have to say! I'm extremely social online and will literally talk to anyone! (I'm a bit of an introvert in person though haha). 

4) I sucked at English during school. Legit. Like really sucked at English. I could not write a good essay for the life of me. So feel free to point out any mistakes in gramma, punctuation, spelling, etc, because there are bound to be heaps!! I also suck at proof reading what I write haha. I love reading and writing but for some reason me and my English classes at school have never seen eye to eye. English was probably one of my worst subjects when I was in High School. So please point out any mistakes you see and I will try and make the time to go back and fix them! (If I have time between all the sleeping, daydreaming and procrastinating uni that I do haha).

5) Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am only human and do not possess any magical ability whatsoever. If I did I would most defiantly be living a wonderous life full of adventure, romance and mystery. Instead, I am a boring law student at university who works in retail. Hence, I am bound to make many, many, many mistakes and at times, (especially when I make the very smart decision to write at like 4AM when I'm half asleep), i might write things that make zero sense. If I do, please point it out and I will fix it when I'm more awake haha. 

Anyway, Thanks for Reading the Book! (And taking the time to read this Authors Note which i get that most people probably skip haha!)


- Christinaaa :))

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