Chapter 20

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Casper's Point of View

I never thought I would ever be in the position of waking up in a bed next to Nate. Yet, as I opened my eyes, I was met with the sleeping figure of Nate beside me. He was breathing lightly, one arm lightly wrapped around my waist. It felt so surreal. So... strange, but in a good way.

I lightly moved out of Nate's hold and watched as his eyes fluttered open. He gave me a tired smile before stretching and also sitting up. "Gosh, what time is it?" Nate muttered. His eyes travelled to the clock beside our bed before letting out a groan and flinging back down onto the bed again. "Casp, it's literally seven am. What is wrong with you?"

I let out a burst of light laughter before smiling at him affectionately. "I think you've forgotten about something crucial in our lives."

"Sleep is crucial to our lives." Nate muttered as he closed his eyes again. I gave him a light shove until he groaned and brought his eyes back to mine. 

"I know I said I'd take you on a date but I meant dinner not breakfast." He said.

I gave another light chuckle. "It starts with s, ends in ool."

Nate groaned, flinging the pillow over his head. "Fuck my life." He muttered under his breath.

"Come on. You don't want to miss a day of being super popular do you?" I asked teasingly.

Nate sighed and rolled his eyes. "I suppose not... though It's really not my fault I'm so well liked." He mumbled, his voice husky from sleep. It did things to me that I did not want to examine further at this point. We needed to take this slow.

I gave another light chuckle before walking into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes to change into in the process. It didn't take me long to get dressed, brush my teeth and quickly eat breakfast before I was walking through the chilly, crisp air with Nate by my side. He was muttering under his breath, cursing our school to the stars and back whilst I was rolling my eyes and trying to hide laughs while I listened to his small tantrum.

"-I mean, you'd think after you turn eighteen, we'd be able to actually live our lives but no... I'm still stuck sitting in a room with mostly human idiots for seven hours a day, five days a week." Nate rolled his eyes and I smiled.

"I like school." I said with a shrug and he just snorted at me.

Walking through the open school gates, Nate gave me a quick, not so subtle kiss on my cheek- which may or may not have led to be letting out a very high squeak and pushing him away- before giving me a wink and walking off to find his friends.

I did the same, finding Camilla and Cayden lounging by the school oval, watching a few of the humans kicking what looked to be a ball through the field. I sat down beside Camilla and she gave me a small smile. "Have you seen the new transfer student from Europe? His super hot." She shot a dreamy look towards the boys on the oval and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Does he know your name?" I asked, somewhat apprehensively.

Camilla scowled at me and Cayden gave a light laugh. "She has more chance with him than Loki Mathews."

Camilla glared at him and I gave a small smile, looking back towards the oval where I could make out Nate approaching his friends. They had a large group, standing together at the other corner of the field, taking no notice of the rest of us at all.

"Have you told him yet?" Camilla asked from beside me.

I looked over at her, feeling my stomach dropping as I did.

I had not told Nate about the birth certificate I had found within his parents study. I wasn't to sure how to even bring a conversation like that up in the first place. "I'm getting to it." I murmured, holding eye contact with her. Cayden and Camilla were the only two people that I had told.

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