Chapter 18

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Casper's Point of View

When I woke up the next morning, my face was still smiling from the day before. I didn't know how it had happened, but Nate had planted himself into my life and left a root in my heart. I don't know how, and I don't know when or why... but I was infatuated. Infatuated with the very same boy I hated a few weeks back.

I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned into it. What was wrong with me? Why did he make me so happy? Why did I suddenly find him charming? I mean, he was still arrogant... but it was nice seeing the other... almost sweet side of him. The side of him I used to love when we were children. The side of him that was caring and protective and would never do anything to hurt me. The side of him that had vanished for years upon years before miraculously appearing again.

I didn't understand any of it. I didn't understand how my feelings for him could change so quickly in such little time... I mean... he told me he liked me after years of hurting me and just like that... I fell. Fell for the guy I was supposed to hate. My enemy...

Even though it should feel wrong. Should feel more than wrong to feel anything for Nate Zaderial... I don't think anything has ever felt more right.

The stupidity of this situation was incredulous.

I had nothing to do but spend the morning deep in thought. Doctors came in and out of the room, checking on my cuts once more before releasing me back out into the wild. The wild where I was a mouse about to be pounced on by the werewolf that was Nate.

I was nervous yet excited, scared yet longing. No matter how little sense it made, I wanted Nate.

That single thought echoed in my head the whole way back to the small apartment I was to be sharing with Nate. As I stood before the front door, I was scared about what the day would bring... Nate could be cold one moment then so sweet and kind the next. I never knew which version I could get... I just hoped he stood by what he said and would let me take things at my own pace here. I had never done this before. I've kissed a few people here and there, but it's never gone more than a peck... not sober at least. I shuddered as the memories of Chloe came spiralling through my head once again like a curse begging to be set free and unlocked.

I knocked on the door, feeling the sweat form on my hands as I stood waiting outside. I heard footsteps, a bolt unlocking before the brown door opened wide and Nate smiled at me, standing aside to let me in.

The first thing I noticed: the room was a mess. A complete and utter mess.

I raised an eyebrow at Nate. "Do you not know how to stay clean without me?" I asked.

Nate smiled. "Trust me, I don't think I'd be any cleaner with you... there's other ways to get dirty you know."

I rolled my eyes at that comment yet still smiled. "How do you make everything you say sound so... sexual?" I asked.

Nate laughed. "One of my many gifts." He said.

"What are your other gifts?" I asked. "And does one of them involve cleaning?"

Nate smiled. "Unfortunately, I am not the best at cleaning." He said. "As for my other gifts... I'll have to get back to you. I need time to think."

I chuckled and moved to the back cupboard, taking out one of the brooms and handing it to Nate. "I want all the rubbish off the ground, all he bottles in the bin and... is that broken glass?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged with a half smile.

"Loki came over." He said. "We kind of... talked..."

"And that led to you breaking glass how?" I asked.

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