Chapter 32

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Casper's Point of View: 

I was convinced the world was ending. It had to be. I knew that any moment now the trees surrounding me would erupt into flames, and the ground beneath me would rumble away into nothingness. There was no way my eyes weren't deceiving me at this moment. There was no way I was currently staring at my sister... and Nate... two people who despised each other beyond belief... currently cuddling together in their sleep as they dozed off on the forest floor.

I wasn't sure whether to get mad at Nate for sleeping next to my sister so intimately, get mad at Bree for sleeping with her head on my boyfriend's chest, or jump for joy at the realisation they might finally be starting to see eye to eye and getting along.

I figured that Brianna was upset after last night, I didn't realise she was so upset that she would look to Nate for comfort.

"Chloe is hard-core third wheeling at the moment." Camilla said from my side. I looked towards Camilla and trailed her line of sight to see Chloe lying nearby beside the river. Her eyes also closed as she appeared deep in sleep as well. I hadn't noticed her, too fixated on the odd picture that was Brianna and Nate together.

"I mean, they did date right?" Camilla asked with a shrug as she turned back to look at my sister and boyfriend. "What are you going to do?"

What was I going to do? I was too dumbfounded to think.

"You know what you should do?" Camilla asked, a sly smirk appearing on her face as her eyes stayed focused on the lake beside Chloe.

"Wake them up by pouring water on their faces?" I hazarded as Camilla pouted.

"Am I that predictable?" She complained as she rolled her eyes and huffed.

I chuckled as I knelt down beside my sleeping sister and boyfriend, watching as they both breathed softly. Despite the way my skin seemed to crawl at the idea of the two of them being like this all night, I couldn't help but think about how angelic Nate almost seemed to look when asleep. I was so used to his snarkiness or over-confidence that it was nice to see him looking so peaceful for once.

"Nate... Bree..." I said softly, gently trying to shake both of them away. Neither of them budged, ignoring my ministrations completely.

I heard Camilla scoff behind me in annoyance and watched as she stomped over to me, a full bucket of water in her hand.

My eyes widened. "Wait- what are you-"

Camilla poured the water on both Brianna, Nate, and me, effectively waking up my boyfriend and sister and annoying me at the same time. I shot a glare up at my friend who gave me a smug smile.

"See it worked." Camilla said simply.

"How did you even get a bucket?" I said raising an eyebrow.

Camilla shrugged. "I found it discarded in the lake when you were too busy staring at Nate." She walked away, glad her job was finished and I stared at my sister and Nate as they both blinked rapidly, waking up slowly.

"Where am I?" Nate muttered, eyes still closed as his hand moved to Brianna who was still sleeping against his chest, frowning as he poked her shoulder in confusement. "Who..."

"Oh my gosh gross!" Brianna screamed, shooting awake after hearing Nate's voice. I watched as she scrambled up, tripping over and falling onto the floor in her rush to get away from Nate. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! I can't believe I was touching him all night!" Brianna's shrieking voice seemed to wake up Chloe who groaned as she sat up from her spot beside the river.

"What time is it?" Chloe mumbled exhaustedly as she wiped her eyes and frowned, blinking as she took in her surroundings with a look of confusement etched upon her face.

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