Chapter 39

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Casper's POV: 

"I love you. Do you really think I'll let you fall to your death?"

I only just registered Nate's voice, cutting through the rushing wind as we stood on the precipice gazing down at the vast expanse of ocean beneath us. His reassurance didn't align with the dizzying height sending chills through my veins.

"Trust me. It's safe." Nate said taking my hand.

Nathaniel Zaderial was by far the most dare-devilish friend I have ever had. He was the werewolf embodiment of a thrill-seeking, whirlwind of adventure that had plunged into my life and turned my boring life into one for the movies. We'd only been close friends for a year, but in that time I had snuck out of my house 15 times, been chased by rouges through the forest 4 times, been suspended from school 3 times, been lost out at sea 1 time and now here I was, standing on a plane because Nate thought sky diving would be a cool and fun way to spend his birthday.

You might be wondering how my parents ever approved of this outlandish idea? well, they didn't. Nate had rushed into my house at midnight, woken my sister and I from sleep, spun up a tale about an early birthday celebration and whisked us away on his family's private jet to go sky diving.

'Have you done this before?" I asked Nate and he laughed and shook his head.

"Of course not. I like to do new and adventurous stuff on my birthdays." Nate seemed to notice my anxiety and squeezed my hand. "Trust me. You'll be fine."

"Ugh. Gross. Can you guys stop acting like an old married couple already?" Brianna muttered from beside me. Unlike me, my twin seemed eager and excited to jump out of a plane plunging towards out deaths. "I'll go first."

I stood aside with Nate as my sister stared down at the water below us.

"If you die, mum and dad are going to blame me." I said. Brianna laughed and patted my shoulder. "It's lucky then that I won't be around to see it." She winked at us and jumped off the soaring plane. I watched her screaming as she flew through the air, stretching out her arms and letting the wind safely carry her down onto the water below. I shivered. I was not a fan of this at all.

"You ready?" Nate asked me, taking my attention away from my sister and putting it back on him.

I hesitated and Nate held out his hand. I took it grateful and he gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "Together?" he asked and I nodded.

"I hate you Nate, you're bad for me." I murmured as we both jumped off the plane.

I woke up instantly, heart-pounding as I wildly looked around the car which was not stationary in front of a small white house, perched on a small hill and overlooking the beachy ocean roads we had been driving on. I looked across at Nate who smiled at me and grasped my hand in his, running circles on the back of my palm. "You okay? You look like you had a nightmare."

I gave a shaky laugh and smiled as I shook my head. "No, not a nightmare... just recounted a memory."

"Doesn't sound like a good one." Nate said.

I smiled and shrugged. In truth, I didn't remember much of what happened after I had jumped off the plane with Nate. I knew that I had blacked out midway through and had woken up at Nate's house, lying on his bed. "How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Half an hour or so." Nate said studying me closely. "I didn't want to wake you."

"So you creepily watched me instead?" I asked yawning and stretching and Nate smiled "Was I supposed to carry you into the house?"

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