Chapter 44

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Nate's Point of View: 

"Fuck Casper I'm dying." I moaned out as I woke up the next morning. My head hurt, my eyes watered and my body ached from what I assumed was the fantastic aftermath of drinking. I was hungover.

Casper did nothing to help. He sat beside me on the bed, grinning down on me as I struggled and finding amusement in my pain. "You're a sadist." I mumbled out.

"Nate, you brought it on yourself." He said with a playful roll of his eyes. "Do you remember much from last night?" He asked me.

"I remember some things." I mumbled out, the memories coursing through my head in spades. I remembered the boat, the drinks, the costumes. I remembered the witch I met and her rude partner with the weird old guy name. I remembered... I felt my cheeks tint up and a blush spread across my features.

"Please tell me I didn't decorate this place with ghosts." I said.

Casper laughed loudly, the sound ringing through the air as his mouth widened at the edges, looking down at me with amusement. "Maybe we should throw a Halloween party... make use of the space you know?"

"Don't bask in my humiliation." I muttered.

"Nate, it's not embarrassing." Casper said. He rolled on top of me, smiling down at me with an intoxicating glimmer in his eye as he gave me a deviliious grin. "It's sweet. Cute... I never thought I'd ever call you cute... but you am. It's cute."

"Shut up." I said, lightly giving Casper a swat on his ass as he chuckled. "Now, now Nate, I'm not the one who needs to be punished here. I didn't do anything wrong last night."

"What? Do you want to spank me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. This time it was his turn to flush at my words. Despite, everything we've done, he was still strangely innocent and got embarrassed at the mere mention of anything sexual.

"Your mouth is genuinely filthy." Casper chastised and I grinned. "Which brings me back to punishment. Do you want to teach me a lesson Casp?" I asked teasingly and he shook his head and got off me, smiling in mild apprehension.

"I highly doubt that's something you're into." He said.

I smiled. "It could be. Try me."

Casper widened his eyes as he looked at me on the bed. I smirked at him, crossing my arms, and he lightly swatted me on the shoulder.

"Nate, shut up." He said. "Stop messing with me." He bent down and gave me another kiss on the lips and I used the moment to give him another smack on the arse. His breath hitched as he glared down at me and I laughed as a playful maliciousness appeared in his eyes.

"Two can play at that game." He murdered before tickling me.

"Wait no Casp stop-" I burst out into laughter, squirming and wiggling as I tried to push him off me. It seems that with my headache weighing me down, my strength had dimished and I was victim to his assault, my body responding feverishly to his ministrations on my skin.

I managed to eventually push him off me, deciding to turn the tables and move on top of him instead. I caged his hands down on the bed with my own and lowered my eyes in his as he grinned at me, his own eyes alight with excitement.

"Nice try." I said.

"I'm not done yet." Casper said. He wrapped his legs around my waist forcing me down onto him so that our lips connected. Our tongues fought for dominance, both of us caught in a fiery embrace of lust and passion. The bond acted like a magnetic pull, holding us together with irresistible force as our teeth grazed one another and bodies were propelled through a spiral of desire and urge.

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