Chapter 36

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Casper's Point of View: 

"I can't believe you forgave him." Camilla murmured as we all walked into school the next day. Her eyes were lowered as she frowned at the ground, kicking pebbles along the pavement. "If it was me... I would have slammed the door in his face and made out with his best friend just to drive the point home." I gave a small chuckle before affectionately rolling my eyes. The day before was still weighing heavily on my mind, like a dream I was yet to awake from. I wasn't too sure why I had provisionally forgiven Nate as easily as I had... I had never been good at fighting against my emotions, and it just so happened that my emotions wanted Nate... for all the shit he had done, I still wanted him.

"I mean seriously... his friends are way hotter than he is... I mean Loki-"

"Doesn't care about you Camilla... like at all." I interrupted, looking in her eyes as she scowled at me and gave me a shove with her shoulder.

"Yet. Doesn't care about me yet. One day-"

"Camilla." I raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I'll stop." She muttered under her breath as her eyes swept through the school grounds. Mine absentmindedly did the same. It seemed that both Camilla and I were looking for certain people in particular.

I was buzzing to talk to Nate again. Now that we had finally sorted everything out, the sudden exhilaration all seemed to have hit me at once. I had a mate, an actual, living, breathing mate. There were times I thought it would never happen for me. I had a mate to love, to trust, to care for. Someone who would love me in return. I couldn't help the butterflies from swarming through my body, taking a hold of my heart and pumping it with new life. I felt like I was 13 again, experiencing feelings for the first time. The excitement and anticipation coursing through my body was almost consuming me whole. I was suddenly excited about the prospect of my 18th birthday and super eager to see what the day was going to bring. The only sinking feeling I felt was this constant doubt that seemed to follow me everywhere, foreshadowing the possibility of something going wrong but I tried to shake it away. For the first time in my life, I actually felt content. I knew who my mate was, and the two of us would lead the pack together. It's going to be a nice conclusion. Especially after all the back and fourth and tug of war that Nate and I had partook in the past few years. It was a sound conclusion to end up leading together after all of it. No one would be better than the other and our roles would be fairly equal. It honestly couldn't get better.

I followed Camilla onto the school grounds, lost in my train of thought and hardly acknowledging Camilla when she said her goodbye to head to her own class. I went to my own and took a seat at the back of the class, not bothering to pay too much attention. My mind was still whirling and I didn't have the mental capacity to focus on anything else.

As soon as class finished, I almost bolted out of the room. I hadn't seen Nate all day. He had gone back to his own house last night to give me space to think and the distance had started tearing a bit from the moment he left. There were several moments where I came close to picking up the phone and asking him to come over but I didn't want to cave. I did need time apart to think about all of this, but now I just wanted to embrace it.

Before I could get far out of the hallways, I was stopped by a voice calling my name. I frowned as I spun around, letting my eyes settle on the person responsible. When I saw who it was, I tried to paint a smile on my face; albeit a false one and tried to come across friendly.

"Hey Carly. How have you been?" I asked. Carly was a girl in a few of my classes. I didn't know her well at current but once upon a time the two of us were fairly close. Our mothers had been super close friends when the two of us were younger so we were forced together in social settings very often. I had never had an issue with Carly but Brianna had always disliked her. Brianna liked to pin her as one of those 'popular, stuck-up girls who only cared about themselves'. How she came to that conclusion I had never understood. Carly had always been nice to me, and she was only hostile to Brianna to match the equal level of hostility being thrown at her. Brianna's spite towards Carly, and Carly's snide means of retaliation eventually ended up dividing our parents and they ceased contact completely. I still saw Carly around school often but the two of us exchanged nothing more than simple pleasantries.

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