Chapter 3:

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Nate's P.O.V: 

I swirled my spoon around my bowl of cereal and watched in mild amusement as my parents bickered and squabbled over plans regarding my awakening ceremony that night. My mother was a huge perfectionist and wanted every slight detail planned out to the second. My father was much more chill and was fine with just going with the flow.

"-I really hope everyone turns up by seven." My mother was saying as she shuffled around the kitchen. "The food is coming out at seven thirty precisely and if people do arrive late, it will mess up my perfectly sculptured timing for the whole evening!"

"I'm sure it won't matter." My father said absentmindedly. "Even if we do have to start the ceremony late, we'll just eat whilst it's happening... see? Not a big deal" He shrugged and my mother scowled a him, hands on her hips giving off a threatening stance. He should know better by now than to say 'not a big deal' to something that was obviously very important to my mother. 

"Not a big deal?" She mimicked. "Not a big deal? Well I'll tell you-"

"Can you please do this after I leave?" I asked, interrupting the sure argument I knew was about to occur. 

"They're just excited Nate. This is your mate! Our mate!"  My wolf Matteo was a very excitable wolf. I didn't mind- too much. 

I looked down at my bowl of cereal and sighed, wishing it could just disappear into my stomach without my having to actually eat it. My parents had recently started experimenting with foods and cooking. That included making their own cereal, high in vitamins and minerals and all those other healthy nutrients that only adults cared about. The only issue was the fact my taste buds felt like they were going to war every time I had to eat anything they made. 

My parents walked out of the room, their petty arguments following them out and fading. I quickly poured my breakfast into the sink and took a chocolate bar out of the fridge to take with me as I walked to school. The best kind of breakfast. 

It was a relatively short walk, one spent thinking about what the night was going to bring. I knew I would be finding my mate if all went well, although a part of me was slightly fearful. There was no guarantee that I would be finding them... they could also turn out to be someone I disliked immensely. Like Camilla... or even worse, Bree. My face scrunched up in disgust at the thought. Sure, Bree was pretty. Very pretty, but Bree's personality was so ferocious that it camouflaged all that outer beauty.

A part of me wished I would be able to find my mate right away, but I was born at night, so I wouldn't really turn 18 until 7:05 PM that evening. It wasn't much longer that I had to wait, but it was still agonizing... having to go through the school day anxious and nervous about what was to come.

My thoughts were broken when I walked through the front gates to see my friends running over to me. I had a friendship group of eight... though Loki was one of my only real friends. My group was the popular group in the school. The ones that everyone loved, had crushes on or wished to be a part of. I was always the leader of the group... a fact that didn't surprise me at all. Many people thought I was attractive. I was also very flattering and knew when to turn on the charm. My group was mainly for show... Loki was defiantly my best friend but the others... I doubt they even knew my favourite colour... except for Chloe. I was close to Chloe too..

"Happy birthday." Loki said giving me a small punch on the shoulder and a half smile. "You must be excited. You can now drink in Australia, the UK, and some parts of Asia and Europe!"

I snorted. None of those places, where we lived. "Great. I can do more of what I already do." I said.

Loki rolled his eyes at me. "You must be excited about tonight though right?" He pressed giving me a devilish smirk. "I mean... you'll get to meet the poor, poor soul who has to spend an eternity next to you."

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