Chapter 7

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Nate's P.O.V: 

I'm an idiot. A stupid, stupid, idiot.

I invited Casper and Brianna to my party due to an itching to be closer to Casper, without having to go and seek him out directly. Of course, that had only led to a series of stupid, stupid, idiotic actions and events.

Casper doesn't drink... so why he did last night was beyond me. I could never have planned for what went down last night... but when I saw him kissing Chloe, I blacked out. Completely. I had no control over my own actions as I yanked Chloe away from him as fast as I could. I saw red, rage thrashed through my body completely, indulging my senses with a raging desire to harm Chloe for thinking she could kiss my mate.

Of course, after I yanked Chloe away from Casper, I realized how stupid the action was. What would people think? Why would I not want Chloe and Casper kissing? I hated Casper. I despised him. I couldn't be getting jealous over him. So, I did the first thing I thought of. I kissed Chloe myself. That way people would think I wasn't jealous over Casper, I was jealous of Casper. It was a flawed plan, but the best I could come up with given my state of anger the past night.

I looked through my bedroom window. The lights were off, and I could just make out a sleeping figure lying on the bed. Every cell in my body itched for me to go over there, make sure he was okay, especially after how much he drank, but I couldn't do that. I could watch him from the window though, for my own sanity, more than anything else.

Not in a creepy way, of course. I hoped this new bond wouldn't make me a creepy, window-watching stalker. Not regularly at least.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. It was a new day. A new day where I hoped no one would think twice about what I had done the night before at my own party.

Today was also the day Casper's family were all coming over for dinner. My parents had invited them over, after coming up with the plan for how we would reclaim our title. It involved befriending the betraying family we once had called our best friends. I hadn't expected Casper's parents to agree to the dinner, but they had. I assume Casper's parents do still feel bad to an extent for stealing the Alpha and Luna position away from us. They would want to come and make amends.

Still, how bad could they actually feel? It was their choice to challenge their best friends at the time.

As part of the plan, I had to make Casper trust me. I felt sick thinking about it. I wasn't too sure why, all I would be doing is taking back the position which was rightfully once mine. My stomach shouldn't be queasing at the thought. My head shouldn't be pounding and my heart shouldn't be clenching painfully as I recalled the plan we made. Casper deserved this- at least I tried to tell myself that.

I shook the thoughts out of my head so I could think logically and clearly. After last night, I assumed my standing with Casper had further decreased. I had to make it up to him... and I had to explain myself to Chloe. I groaned mentally at the thought.


Walking through the pack lands, the familiar buzz around me warmed my skin the way it always had. I had always loved being around people, even though most people just thought I did it for show. I did, to an extent, especially at school, but that didn't mean I didn't love being around others.

I walked the familiar pathway to Chloe's house. I wasn't too sure what I was going to say to her. Chloe was a sweet and tactile person. She wasn't rude or manipulative like all my other friends, but she also didn't take any bullshit. She would see right through my disgruntled apology. I was scared I was going to have to tell her the truth. Chloe was loyal. She wouldn't disclose my plans, but she wouldn't advocate for them either. If anything, she'll be highly disappointed in me yet stay quiet anyway.

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