Chapter 54

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Warning: This chapter gets real spicyyyyyyy! And then it gets real tragiccccc! Be prepared!

Nate's Point of View: 

"This is going to be a good day." Casper murmured as he looked at himself in the mirror.

I cracked open an eye from where I was lying on the bed and peered over at my mate who was mumbling to himself under his breath. I gave a yawn and sat up in bed. "Casp. Come here." I said holding out my hand. He turned to look at me and hesitated before taking it. I pulled him into me, nuzzling his neck softly as I placed kisses down his skin.

"Happy birthday." I murmured softly.

He smiled at me, giving me a light kiss on the lips before pulling away.

After Bree and Casper were returned to the pack by my half-sister Meribella, the days leading up to their birthday seemed to fly back. Although I was excited for my mate to finally be eighteen, I couldn't shake the doom that had settled within me. I had made a promise to my father and today would be the day I honoured it. He had done his part. He had saved the twins from Hailey's pack, he had ensured that no intruder was able to disturb our pack's peace the past two weeks. He promised he would ensure everyone's safety long after I was gone.

Today would be the day I would betray my mate. The day I followed my parents scheme and challenged Casper for Alpha. The day I became Hailey's number one target. The day I sacrificed myself so my father could continue to lead his meadow of Fae. Today was the day Casper became mate-less and the day I died. As the thoughts plagued my mind, I felt like I couldn't breathe. All my promises to all these different people felt like weights piling up in my mind. I wish I had never met Hailey. I wish I had never got roped into my fae father's plans. I wished I had been the werewolf child of my mother and her mate so then I wouldn't be stuck with Fae blood and a psychopathic family. I wished I could have a normal life with Casper, where we could just be two werewolves in love, excited about our future together... but we couldn't be.

"Can you feel the bond on your side yet?" I murmured.

Casper shook his head. "My birthday isn't for a couple hours." He murmured.

I hummed in acknowledgement as Casper brought his lips back to mine, letting our tongues glide together as our mouths met in a hungry embrace and clash of teeth. He eventually pulled away from me and I smiled, lightly trailing my fingers down his neck where my bite mark would soon be.

"What did you want to do today?" I asked.

Casper smiled. "Well... I want to complete our bond. Obviously."

I smiled. If I was going to die that night, at least I would die bonded to my mate. "Anything else?" I breathed out.

"I'm going to lunch with Camilla and Cayden in about an hours time... you can come if you want, but I think they'd prefer it if it was just the three of us." He grinned at me and I chuckled.

"So I'm not invited to your birthday plans?" I asked.

"Not those ones you're not... but ill definitely be celebrating with you once I get back." He smiled at me, his brown eyes filling with lust for the day ahead and I grinned.

"I'm looking forward to it." I whispered back softly.

Casper moved away from me, continuing to get ready for the day ahead and I lazily watched him.

"Brianna's throwing an eighteenth for us as well." Casper said to me after he got dressed and brushed his teeth. "She wants to have it Friday night so more people turn up or something." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

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