Chapter 57

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Casper's Point of View: 

I had assumed that now I was no longer Alpha, Hailey wouldn't bother me any longer. My abilities as a werewolf were no longer as strong as they once were. I could no longer control my pack through Alpha submission or utilise my pack's strength to extend my abilities during fights.

Which is why I didn't expect Hailey's attack.

When I was running through the White Woods, Hailey had been the last thing on my mind. I couldn't spare her a thought after my mate had done the unforgivable, after Nate had looked me in the eye and put a sword through the tapestry of our bond. He had ruined everything... and the whole part Fae secret... I couldn't comprehend why he hadn't told me. Brianna knew. He trusted her with this secret and he loathed her. He didn't trust me. Why didn't he trust me?

I told Nate everything. I told him everything with my friends. Everything I had found out about his family and his secret sister. I had shared my vulnerable secrets with him. I told him about my childhood attack and why I couldn't shift properly any longer. I told him about my fears, my anxieties, my stresses and my fears of being leader. I shared everything. He knew the darkest parts of my heart. I had barely scratched upon the surface of his. He was the one who betrayed me, screwed everything up, lied and deceived me. The whole way through our relationship. Yet, I still trusted him. I couldn't think of a single thing I had done to make Nate refrain from telling me his secrets, but he'd locked them away from me anyway.

I was the fool in this situation.

I kept running back to a devil, not realising I was in the depths of his hell.

Now that I was once again back in Hailey's dungeons, trapped inside a cell inside her pack lands, the only thing I could do was think. I was lost to the labyrinth of my mind, the dark haunting echoes of all my mistakes and all Nate's misdeeds running marathons through my head. I felt like my body was desiccating. I wasn't aware of time passing, wasn't away of the other werewolves trapped with me and their howls and cries through the night. I wasn't even aware of my own soul. My own breathes. My own survival. All I could do was get lost in the tragedy of my past and how I had let any of this happen.

I heard the cell doors open in front of me but I refused to look up and lift my head. I didn't care about who was on the other side. I didn't care about who had come to get me or where they wanted to take me. I felt two people come and stand on either side of me. They unchained me from the ground and forced me up. I didn't put up a struggle, letting them walk me out of the cage towards what I assumed would be my impending doom. Hailey was more than welcome to drain me of all my werewolf abilities, to finish the job she failed when I was a child. Maybe in the process, the mate bond I had completed with Nate would fracture. Maybe he would feel the pain of losing me as a mate and feel some form of regret and shame in what he had done for me. Maybe he'd lose his position as Alpha as he wouldn't have a mate to lead by his side.

I wanted him to struggle. He didn't serve to lead our pack. Not after what he had done.

I was taken into a plain room comprising of nothing but a small brown table and two chairs. I was pushed down onto one of the chairs and shackled to the table legs so my escape would be unfeasible. My captors left the room soon after, bathing me in a desolate silence.

The door eventually opened and I was greeted with Hailey's determined footsteps as she marked into the room and took the seat opposite me. She had two guards standing behind her on either side but I refused to look up or acknowledge her presence. I didn't want to entertain her schemes. Not this time.

"You look pathetic." Hailey eventually said as her voice broke the silence.

I ignored her. I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't look up, opting instead to stare down at the table, memorising every scratch and smudge etched into the brown wood.

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