Chapter 59

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This is the second part of the double update!! Be sure to read Chapter 58 first!


Nate's Point of View: 

As I walked through the countless labyrinth like hallways of the kingdom, I attempted to find a flight of stairs that would lead me down to the dungeons where I hoped Brianna would be with Chloe. However, despite my efforts, the elusive ascent eluded me at every turn. I stopped in my tracks, looking around at the hallways. There were definitely staircases in this kingdom. I had been here enough times to know.

"Someone's messing with my head." I murmured.

I heard a soft laugh behind me. "Looking for someone?"

I spun around to see my sister Rosaline staring at me triaumphently. Brianna was with her, scowling as Rosaline yanked her forward. Brianna had her hands clasped together in silver chains and was giving Rosaline a heated glare.

"Rose..." I began.

"Tell me your plan." Rosaline demanded.

"You don't want to be caught up in this Rose." I breathed out.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "No? funny considering I'm the one who can rat both of you out. What are you planning Nate?" She asked.

I took a breath. "Rose, we need to talk to Chloe." I said.

"And what is that going to solve?" Rosaline asked.

"She might be able to help us kill Hailey." I murmured. "Look, I know you don't care about werewolf drama but I need to protect my pack. I can't do that if Hailey's alive, or If I'm dead because of dad's stupid sacrifice."

Rosaline's eyes bore into mine. "Didn't he already make you drink the elixir though? You can't undo that decision."

"No, but that elixir only works on me if Chloe is dead." I said. "Right now, she's the oldest Fae heir, not me."

"So you're going to free her so father can't kill her." Rosaline said. "Which would render the elixir useless."

I nodded. "We have a plan." I looked towards Brianna who was still scowling at her predicament. "We need your help." I looked back at my younger sister and she paused, watching me carefully.

"Don't ask me what's in it for you because I have nothing to offer." I said to her as she studied me. "Help me because you're my sister. Because you know that our father is cruel and vicious and should not be allowed to remain in power here... you know where Chloe's being kept. Take us to her. Please."

Rosaline sighed. "You know he would kill me if he finds out I'm helping you right?" She murmured, unlocking the cuffs around Brianna's hands.

"Thanks Rose." I said with a smile. "He won't find out. I promise."

"He better not." She murmured, walking down the hallways. Brianna and I followed her as she took us to a flight of stairs and descended downwards.

"Good job getting caught." I said lowly to Brianna and she gave me an irritable look.

"I still managed to get inside this stupid kingdom so I think I deserve some credit."

"How did you get inside?" I questioned as Brianna smiled.

"There was an open window."

"Yes, right into my bedroom." Rosaline said, looking back at the two of us. I couldn't keep myself from laughing at Brianna's rotten luck as she scowled at me stamped her food down on mine, making me squeak out slightly.

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