Chapter 24

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This chapter ended up being close to 7,000 words so i had to split it into two! The second part (chapter 25) will be out hopefully tomorrow or the day after!

Like always, thanks for reading!

Casper's Point of View: 

I opened my eyes to the smell of pancakes floating through the mini house I shared with Nate. I exhaled the scent happily as I groggily sat up in bed. Nate's space in the bed was vacant and I smiled as I stood up and got dressed. Nate didn't make breakfast for me often. He hated cooking, or anything domestic to begin with so I always appreciated it when he made the effort. I quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom before opening my bedroom door to find... Camilla in the kitchen making breakfast, whilst Nate and Cayden lounged on the couches watching television.

Honestly I should have known.

Camilla was shooting daggers as the other two as she flipped the pancakes, mumbling to herself in annoyance.

"You're going to help me clean up, aren't you?" She asked, raising her eyes into mine with a hard tone which assured me bad things would happen to me if I dared to disagree. I gave a silent nod and walked into the kitchen beside her, cleaning the dishes she had finished using.

"Did you make any pancakes for me?" I asked after a moment of silence. Camilla turned to glare at me.

"Yes I did." She spat. "Goddess the amount of sexism in this place."

"It's not sexism if you offer." Cayden said lowering his eyes at Camilla. "Besides, I can count the amount of times on one hand which you've cooked for me. I cook for you all the time when you're over."

Camilla scoffed and rolled her eyes "That's besides the point." She mumbled, eyes downcast and lost in thought. She seemed to be lacking her usual vibe and I noticed that she seemed a little tense. Camilla was usually very good natured. She scowled and glared but it was usually in good fun, especially when the actions were directed at Cayden. This time she seemed genuinely annoyed about something.

I watched as she put the cooked pancakes onto a separate plate before placing them on the table in front of Nate and Cayden. "You can finish cleaning up." She muttered to me before she also sat down in front of the television. I made a mental note to talk to Camilla later about what was bothering her as I finished doing the dishes and joint my friends on the couches.

"What are you two even doing here?" I asked as we all ate. It was a Thursday which meant school. Usually Cayden and Camilla would walk to school together as they lived on the same street. I would usually walk with Brianna. Even though I was closer to my friends in the new house I was occupying with Nate, it was still defiantly inconvenient for them to come and get me.

"They didn't leave when I slammed the door in their faces." Nate said by way of explanation. I raised an eyebrow at him and got a light smirk in return.

Camilla gave a cold laugh and rolled her eyes. "He literally closed the door in our faces. Luckily for us, Nate's an idiot and we managed to climb in through the bathroom window he left open." She raised her eyebrows at Nate with a look of satisfaction.

"As you can see, she literally broke in." Nate said gesturing to Camilla and turning to make eye contact with me.

"Did I not just cook for you?" Camilla asked Nate.

Nate laughed and smiled. "Yeah, that's the only reason why I let you stay."

I rolled my eyes. "Nate." I said in warning, giving him a look. He sighed and backed down.

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