Chapter 26

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This chapter's close to 6,000 words! (I don't know why i always write so much. i honestly cannot help myself hahaha). 

Nate's Point of View: 

"You have to come to Cayden's birthday party with me." Casper said as we at breakfast that morning. I groaned aloud and rolled my eyes as I finished scoffing down my plate of scrambled eggs. "Great. fun. A party full of dweebs."

Casper just rolled his eyes at me and shot me an exasperated glance which told me I had no choice in the matter. "We are not dweebs!"

"Is it even going to be a party?" I asked. "I mean, you have to have at least twenty people to have a party... and that's only a small party."

Casper scoffed at me and rolled his eyes. "I know you think we have no friends, but we do... Camilla's pretty popular... I'm sure she's invited heaps of people." I raised an eyebrow as I took in the dubious look gracing Casper's face. From what I'd observed the past eight years, Casper, Camilla and Cayden really didn't have any other friends. The 'three C squad' really did just keep to themselves. Camilla was defiantly the most popular out of the three. She was intelligent, athletic and overall, pretty social, but the company she chose to hang out with limited her friendship prospective enormously. Casper and Cayden were fairly quiet and self-satisfied and Camilla was adamant she would remain their friend. Her loyalty was defiantly an admirable characteristic of hers.

"Whatever you say." I shrugged, not wanting to argue with Casper on the matter. He sighed and stood up, clearing our plates. "Me, Camilla, You, Brianna and her friends are going to show up okay? We have enough people." He crossed his arms at me and I laughed and gave a small smile.

"Brianna's defiantly super popular, leaning on her isn't actually a bad idea... tell Camilla to run with that." I stood up and Casper rolled his eyes at me, muttering something about how infuriating I am to put up with.

We walked to school half an hour later, parting at the school entry like usual as Casper hurried to get away from me. I took a moment to glance around at all the people nearby. A few of them had been watching Casper and I, but none of them seemed brave enough to question me on what was going on between us. Everyone was used to us being enemies, used to me doing whatever I could to get under Casper's skin as he boiled in anger and annoyance and tried really hard not to retaliate. Our sudden 'friendship' would defiantly seem unusual after the years of hateful spite.

I walked to my first class, sitting beside Loki and Chloe who were deep in conversation about 'the importance of astrology'.

Chole was leaning back in her chair, raising her eyebrows at Loki in disbelief as he went on a ramble about how zodiac signs were an 'ancient, magical art' used to predict the future in witch covens, Elvin tapestries and fae courts.

"- You are literally offending every witch in our pack by insulting a crucial aspect of their culture!" Loki said as Chloe just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm born on the 11th of November so according to that astrology rubbish I'm a Scorpio." Chloe said with a ruthless look on her face. "That means I'm supposingly stubborn, jealous, insensitive, and secretive... what utter bullshit." She scoffed and gave a glare to Loki who appeared to be struggling to reign in his laughter. "What is so funny about all of this?" Chloe snapped. "Astrology is stupid! It's for wannabe intellects who think they're so cool spitting out predictions from the stars. It's honestly just nonsense!"

I chuckled as I glanced at Chloe. "That's something only a Scorpio would say." I teased as Loki gave a burst of laughter and Chloe groaned. "No! not you too!" She whined giving me a shove on the shoulder.

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