Chapter 53

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Casper's Point of View: 

Dragging an unconscious Brianna through a pack who wanted us captured and dead was not easy. Especially because looked completely out of place and it wouldn't take a genius to know we weren't supposed to be running out free. I found an empty room in the building and quickly placed Brianna on the ground, my blood racing in anticipation as I closed the door behind us, trying to think of some kind of plan to get out.

Firstly, I needed to wait for Brianna to wake up.

I pulled down all the blinds in the small room and placed as much furniture as I could in front of the door. I also made sure all the windows were blocked so no one could see inside. Looking through one of the windows to the pack outside, I could see an entrance back into the White Woods. It was heavily guarded with werewolf warriors and soldiers standing at attention, keeping note of anyone who left and anyone who returned.

I heard Brianna gasping and coughing and spun around to look at my sister. She had sat up and was rubbing her forehead, her eyes shut tightly as she hissed in pain. "Gosh I miss my ability to heal." She muttered, her eyes watering as she opened them up and looked at me.

I grinned, coming to kneel beside her as I took her hand and squeezed it. "You'll be okay. We'll be okay." I said.

Brianna nodded and sighed, she looked around the room and paused. "How exactly did we get here?" She asked.

"Hailey knocked you out." I explained. "She had these two werewolves trying to escort us bac k to the cells but I stabbed them with those needle things and they got a bit funny... we were able to get away."

"Nice Casp!" Brianna cheered. She stood up and wobbled a little before settling. "So... what's next? How do we actually escape this dump of a place?"

I hesitated. "I haven't got that far."

Brianna sighed, looking around the room. "We need to find weapons of some sort." She murmured, opening up drawers and looking through stacks of paper on the tables at the back.

"You could always break off one of the wooden table legs." I mused, looking at the thin table.

Bree raised an eyebrow. "And do what? Stake the werewolves? They aren't vampires Casp."

"No, but it's better than nothing..." I said. "Unless you have another idea?"

Brianna rolled her eyes and knelt down, attempting to snap one of the wooden legs off the table but failing. "Do you mind?" Brianna asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "I've lost all my strength." She muttered and I smiled, kneeling down beside my sister and snapping one of the legs of the table before handing it to her.

We both stood back up,

"Okay. I say we just run." Brianna said. "In all seriousness, if we are going to try and get out of here, we have to do it soon before Hailey gets back and notices we're not in the cells."

"We are totally going to get caught if we just run." I said, looking at my sister who shrugged.

"We're totally going to get caught if we stay here as well." Brianna peered through the window, looking down at the White Woods below. "Do you reckon we'd survive the jump?" She asked. We were on the second floor but I doubted that Brianna's new un-supernatural body would be able to fall that high.

I peered through one of the windows into the hallway. It seemed quiet enough and I looked back at Brianna. "Should we risk it?" I asked.

She nodded, walking over to me and helping me move some of the chairs I had used to barricade the door. "If we get attacked, we'll deal with it. Okay? Hailey made it clear she doesn't want us dead yet... so at least that's something."

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