Chapter 17

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Nate's Point of View:

Running through the forest had always given me the adrenaline boost I needed to sort through my problems. It cleared my mind and made me feel more open towards my feelings. I still felt completely stupid for kissing Casper. Though I knew if I had the chance I would defiantly do it again. I couldn't deny the feelings I was developing on my friend turned enemy. It was a nuisance but even I couldn't deny the bond.

My run was cut short when I felt distress spike my mind. Fear, panic, anxiety, coursing through my body. The emotions were defiantly not my own so they could only be coming from one place: the mating bond. I stopped, quickly turning around and sprinting back towards pack lands.

Casper was in trouble. I could feel it in my blood but I wasn't sure why. Brianna had mentioned going to Emily's party, Casper wasn't the party kind, but he might have gone along as well and gotten into trouble. I was starting to freak out myself ad that wasn't a good sign.

I shifted back into a human once I was out of the forest and ran the remaining way to Emily's house. Once arriving at the scene, it was obvious what had occurred. People were running from all directions out of Emily's house. The house itself had been smashed and decayed. Looking inside, I could see the presence of wolves. Wolves that were obviously not a part of our pack.

I shifted myself and ran inside, attempting to fight some of them off. I wasn't the only one fighting back. I noticed that a few of my friends who had been at the party had also shifted and were attempting to fight back the apparent rouges. Brianna's werewolf friends were doing the same. I took down a few of the wolves with my magical ability before discretely shifting back to a human and running towards where I could see Casper lying on the ground with Brianna hovering over him glassy-eyed.

There were people lying about, scratched and bleeding. It was a gruesome picture but at the moment, I only had one concern. I ran towards the twins and knelt down beside Casper who was passed out and bleeding. "What happened?" I asked sharply.

Brianna moved her eyes onto mine before blinking. I watched as she tried to form words before scowling at her. She was obviously not in her right mind at the moment. I searched around for Casper's friends, knowing they wouldn't leave without him, and found them scurrying out a few of the remaining mortals who had been trapped inside the house.

"What happened?" I called out to the girl, Camilla? When she was close.

She looked at me and grimaced. "He passed out..." She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously. "Why do you care?" She asked accursedly.

I wanted to growl at her for doubting my consideration for my mate but that wouldn't do any good. She had reason not to trust me. They all did. "You both need to get to the hospital." I mutter3ed looking between the twins. As much as I would have loved to leave Bree here, I knew I couldn't leave her in danger's way. The fight was still raging on around us. Brianna was so out of it I'm not sure if she even realized.

I gently lifted Casper into my arms, before tugging on Brianna's hand, making sure she was okay to follow me. She tripped and tumbled behind me, falling onto the ground several times as I tried to scurry them out of the house.

Luckily for us, the warriors in the pack had eventually turned up, taking over the fight and giving us easier access to hurry away. The hospital was the most obvious choice of destination, so I carried an unconscious Casper and tugged a drunk-consumed, air-headed, screeching Brianna towards the medical building.

Once inside, I pushed Brianna onto a bed and watched as she landed on her face. Not seeming to realize where she even was. She giggled and I decided to ignore her and let the doctors deal with her. I lightly lowered Casper onto the bed beside her and sat on a chair by the bed, waiting anxiously for someone to come attend to us.

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