Chapter 10

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Nate's Point of View: 

I didn't know how, I didn't know why, I didn't know when, but when I came too, I was locked inside a cell.

I stretched out, before sitting up from where I was lying, letting my eyes focus on the room. I was alone, completely alone and I couldn't sense anyone else nearby. Standing up, I vaguely wondered how long I had been out and what I had missed.

I remembered being in the forest, I remember being attacked and I remembered fighting off the rouges. Everything after that was lost to me. My mind went to Casper and I looked around the room. I didn't know what had happened to him after I blacked out. I hoped he was okay. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he wasn't okay. I cursed, wondering what to do. I didn't even know where I was. 

My anxiety spiked as I ran through possibilities in my mind. Casper wasn't here... something bad could have happened after I blacked out. How long had I been out? I needed to know where i was. I needed to get out of here. Who had bought me here? and what did they want from me? 

My unanswered questions were answered quicker than I had expected. I heard chatter coming from above and lowered my eyes when I recognized the voice instantly. If this person was who I thought it was... I knew we were in trouble. Whenever she appeared, it was never good news.

The chatter soared in volume, and I looked up as Hailey walked down a flight of stairs, stopping to stand in front of me. She smiled at me, taking me in as I did the same to her.

She looked the same as the last time I had seen her. Auburn hair, running straight down her back, green eyes so sharp that looked like they could cut. She smiled at me. The usual cunning smile that I always saw from her. If Hailey had captured the two of us, this could only be bad news. I felt even more anxious about Casper knowing that she was the one responsible for our kidnapping. I swear if she had done anything to him...

"Where's Casper?" I asked instantly, lowering my eyes at Hailey, trying to intimidate her regardless of my young age compared to her older one. It had been months since I had last seen Hailey. When I had turned eighteen, I had expected her to show up at some point, but she never did and I was starting to think I was safe... safe from the promises I had made to her as a child... Safe... that was, until now.

She laughed. "He's fine... it's you I wanted to talk too." She took a step closer, and I growled at her. If she had so much as touched Casper, I would kill her. I would rip every limb from her body. 

"Why didn't you just talk to me then?" I asked. "Why this?" I looked around at the cell I was trapped within and Hailey smiled.

"We both know you wouldn't have given me even a minute of your day. You're avoiding me, Nathaniel." She said.

I glared at her. I had been avoiding her. I had tried to prevent myself from going anywhere near the woods. Hailey wouldn't come and find me unless I was alone. Hailey wouldn't want anyone knowing how she was blackmailing me.

Hailey was one of those Alphas you had to be very careful around. Ten years ago, her and her pack had killed off everyone from mine. My parents and I had been the only survivors and we had only just managed to escape. I shivered at the memory of the blood spill and destruction she had caused. I never understood how someone could look someone in the eye and kill them. Families with children, elderly citizens just going about their life causing no harm... it was sick. The whole thing was so, so sick. 

Every so often, Hailey would seek me out. She always threatened to do the same thing to my new pack. Cause the same amount of pain and torture. Of course... I couldn't let that happen, so Hailey often got her way with me.

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