Chapter 16

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Casper's Point of View:

The next few days I spent my nights sleeping at Cayden's house. He knew something was up but I was yet to tell him what. I was in a state of shock. A state of complete and utter shock and all I could think about was Nate. Nate who had kissed me. Kissed me. I still couldn't comprehend it at all.

I had gone straight to Cayden's house after the kiss. Cayden could clearly see that I was in a state of panic and distress and let me stay over no questions asked. I had hoped that it had all been some confusing unexplainable dream and I would wake up with everything right in the world.

Of course, I wasn't that lucky.

The next few days at school, Cayden and Camilla had asked me what was wrong several times. I refused to tell them. I could hardly fathom the idea in my mind, let alone say the actual words.

"It wasn't a bad kiss." Sebastian tried to reason in my mind.

It didn't matter to me weather the kiss was bad or good.... Why did it happen in the first place? What was Nate thinking?

Both Camilla and Cayden had concluded I was having Nate issues and eventually stopped nagging me. They understood why I didn't want to stay at the house at night. It was normal for me not to want to sleep with my enemy... they didn't however understand the gravity of the situation.

At school, I also spent all my time ignoring Nate completely. I stayed away from him in class, I looked away from him when I walked by, and I refused to acknowledge any of his friends.

Brianna had started to catch on to something being off, but I always tried to assure her I was fine. Brianna was defiantly going to be the hardest person to convince, but at the moment, she hadn't been too pressing.

It was currently Saturday, and I was sitting in our local park with Camilla and Cayden. The two of them were talking about a movie they had both watched while I was still thinking about the kiss.

Why had Nate kissed me? That was my biggest question. Was he trying to prove something? Maybe he was just plain horny and I was the only one around?

Why did I like it?

That last question came out of nowhere. I shook it quickly out of my head. What that revealed was something to ponder for another time.

"Casp." Camilla said, shaking me out of my interrogation of myself.

"Hmm?" I asked.

She studied me closely before sighing. "You seem a little zoned out."

I gave her a smiling I was sure was hardly convincing. "Just thinking." I muttered. "What's up?"

Camilla shot me a quizzical look yet sighed. "We're going to go to Porters for lunch. You coming with?"

Porters was one of Camilla's favorite cafes. She went there every other day. I hesitated and shook my head. I wasn't in the mood for a café at the moment. The two of them shrugged but didn't push me for answers before walking away after promising to see me later. I could feel them talking about me, speculating what had been going on the past few days. I wish I could tell them, but I couldn't. it was too hard for me to wrap my head around it all. I was also scared about how they would react.

I didn't think it was something they would take lightly.

I stood up and sighed, walking towards the forest. The greenery always helped me think. I walked the route I often went down with Bree, the one leading to the lake. I sat down by the water and watched the blue depths glisten as it bathed in the sunlight shining down through the trees.

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