Chapter 60

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Casper's Point of View: 

I was starting to get sick of Hailey. Every day, I would be taken out of the small cell in her dungeon and brought to another room in her pack, just so she could taunt and tease me about Nate. She loved to tell me just how she planned on killing him. Each day, she would devise a different plan of attack, boasting about her incredible strength and skill. Her favourite schemes involved tearing Nate's head straight off his body so we could all look at his lifeless eyes as his neck bled out. The whole thing made me feel sick, which I purported to be the main purpose of these little session.

"I'll be sure to carry the head back here for you to see." Hailey said reassuringly. "That's if you're not already in the crowd watching as I slice through him." She gleamed in wicked delight. "Can you imagine the screams?"

I pursed my lips and looked away. I had learnt early on that I shouldn't entertain Hailey's stories. The more I responded, the longer she continued.

Hailey sighed, taking a sip of the glass of water in front of her. "Wouldn't it be fine Casper? How about if I hang his head in your dungeon cell... that way you can speak to him whenever you like... call me a cunning, vindictive traitor who charmed you before swiping the rug from under your feet. Wouldn't that feel nice Casper? To know you got the last laugh at the end?"

I stared out the window at the White Woods outside. Somewhere, out there, my pack would be preparing for war. A few hours ago Hailey had sent her followers off to my pack. I'd imagined they would be tearing through my people at this very moment, giving them the choice of whether to die or join Hailey.

"Of course, you won't be laughing for alone... you'll be dead as well." Hailey continued. "Maybe I'll kill Bree, Camilla and Cayden before I kill you though... I can hang their heads with Nate so their lifeless eyes are all watching as I finally kill you. The last of the set." She laughed coldly and I sighed.

"You know, it's much more fun when you play along." Hailey said coldly leaning closer to me. "I just insulted your mate, your sister and your closest friends and you're not going to refute? What a rather unpleasant waste of my time."

Silence lingered between us again as she stood up. "Take this little deformed Alpha back to the cages." She ordered. "This one's not speaking."

Hailey's two werewolf companions, pulled me up, clutching my arms tightly in their grip as they attempted to walk me out of the room. They stopped however, when someone appeared in front of us, sending the guards backwards and making Hailey gasp in mild shock as the newcomer quickly assessed the scene. She looked at the guards holding onto me and Hailey standing across from us, a frown on her face as she looked upon her intruder.

"My name's Mirabella." The newcomer said coldly, keeping her eyes in Hailey's as she spoke. She was a young girl who looked to be around 14 or 15 in age. Her hair was woven into plaints and her green eyes were bright and enchanting.

"I don't care who you are." Hailey said. "I ordered all my witches to stay downstairs when they weren't being used. Why are you here up?" She demanded and Mirabella gave an icy smile.

"I am neither your witch or a witch to begin with." She said thinly. "I am the superior magical breed. I am a Fae." She stared at Hailey, as if daring her to disagree. "I only come to bring a message." She said. She looked over at me and gave me a sweet smile. "From my dear brother Nathaniel."

Hearing Nate's name sent electricity spiralling through my body. I hated to admit it but I was worried about him. I didn't know how he could beat Hailey in her current state of power. the whole ordeal seemed impossible and the last thing I wanted was for Hailey to deliver Nate's head to me on a silver platter. He was a terrible mate, but overall I believed he was a good person whose fault was how he made questionable decisions.

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