Chapter 12

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Casper's Point of View: 

Weekends were the only time I usually always slept in, so I wasn't happy when I found myself being shaken awake Sunday morning prematurely. I pushed away the offending force and sat up, scowling at my sister who tackled me in a hug as soon as she saw I was awake.

It didn't last long as she was soon pulling away and glaring at me with the harshest look she could muster. "Where the hell were you Casp!?" Brianna shouted, crossing her arms in disapproval.

I sighed, already feeling a headache coming on.

I had snuck in late last night after everyone had fallen asleep. Brianna hadn't been in her room. I had planned on visiting her and telling her everything as I knew she would be freaking out about me. I felt guilty when I found her missing and concluded that she was probably out looking for me, covering for me with our parents at the same time.

"Can we talk about this later? I'm tired." I muttered out.

Brianna didn't like this answer and narrowed her eyes at me, her stance not shifting one bit.

I groaned. "I was out with Nate." I said.

Brianna's eyes widened and I realized that I probably should have come up with an excuse that wouldn't annoy Brianna as much. She would not like the fact I had disappeared with Nate for two whole days.

"Why were you with Nate of all people?" Brianna asked. She didn't seem happy. I knew she wouldn't be happy.

I sighed. "We were running together and we got kidnapped by Hailey. Don't freak out!"

Looking at Brianna's face, I knew she was indeed freaking out. Her eyes had widened and I could hear the acceleration in her heart beat. "Hailey? Hailey, Casper? She could have killed you!" She stomped her foot on the ground to further reiterate her point.

"I know." I said. "But she didn't, isn't that all that matters?" I hoped that would be enough to save me the lecture I knew she was planning on giving me.

Of course, I was wrong.

"You cannot go out alone with Nathaniel!" Brianna hissed. "He's planning something! Why would he suddenly be nice to you now after all this time? Doesn't it seem fishy that the one time you get kidnapped by Hailey, you're with him of all people?"

I let her get her rant over with, knowing she wouldn't be satisfied until she did. "Brianna." I paused. "Nate saved my life." I proceeded to tell her about the rogue attacks and the warlock who took us to Hailey. Brianna was frowning by the end of my story.

"The warlock was working for Hailey?" Brianna asked. "Why? Warlocks and witches hate to work for anyone. They always have to be in charge..." Her eyes lowered, her face clenched as if she was thinking too hard. I shrugged. "Hailey probably offered him something." I said.

Brianna shook her head. "It sounds suspicious. What could they possibly want from Hailey?"

"I don't know Brianna. You're questions are not answerable." I said.

Brianna's face turned dark. "Maybe not from you... but from Nate..."

I rolled my eyes. So we were back to this again. "Bree, Nate is trying." I insisted. "I think we should try as well."

Brianna scowled. "He's trying with you. He wants something from you... his acting like his old arrogant self with me."

"You're acting like your old self with him too." I tried to reason. Brianna didn't like that response very much and glared at me. "He doesn't deserve my friendship nor my forgiveness." She snapped. "This whole thing is fishy... you've ran that pathway for years... there's no way you would have just made a wrong turn... I think you were being messed with before you even got to the forest... someone was playing mind games with you."

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