Chapter 14

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Casper's Point of View: 

I was an idiot. A stupid idiot for ever thinking that Nathaniel Zaderial could ever change. Of course he would screw things up as soon as we were starting to get along again.

"I'm sorry." Brianna said from beside me. "I shouldn't have riled him up... I'm so sorry." I looked up at her and sighed. I knew she felt bad for her part in what happened. I shook my head. "Even though you riled him up, he still said it. You didn't make him say it. He did that on his own." I said.

Brianna nodded slowly and hesitated. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked.

I looked at her and nodded, standing up and sighing. "We have to get to training." I mumbled, walking out of the room. I didn't know why this was affecting me so much. I had always been fine dealing with Nate's insults the past few years... but now... now after we had started to get close again... it stung hearing those words come out of his mouth. I meant nothing to me. I shouldn't be surprised, but I was upset. I didn't know why. I didn't want to dwell on why. But I was upset.

Brianna lightly touched my hand and hesitated. "You like him?" She asked softly. I looked at her and scowled. "Him? Nate? No. no way."

Brianna stayed silent. I shook her hand away from mine and walked out of my bedroom. Bree followed me and we went down to the training courts. We would be working with the children of the pack today, which meant I had to be happy. Even though I knew Nate would be there too, as the future Beta he had to be.

Bree and I met my friends Camilla and Cayden on the grounds, and I gave them both a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Camilla asked, noticing that something was up instantly. I shook my head at her. Not wanting to talk about Nate right now. As I had the thought, I looked across the courtyard to find Nate standing there with Loki. The two seemed to be talking in hushed whispers. Nate looked up at me and I shot him one of my hardest glares. He didn't return it, instead he gave what looked like a sad smile back. I thought nothing of it. I was done wasting my time on his friendship.

Turning away from Nate, I looked towards the children waiting for their lesson.

We were supposed to mentor the children weekly. It was a fun way to pass the time and for the most part I enjoyed it. There were higher stakes at the moment though. Especially with the attacks occurring around the werewolf world... and if Fae magic really did play a part in all of this, it wouldn't be good at all. I looked up as our lead fighter walked into the room, piercing everyone with his firm gaze. Adrian had been in charge of the warriors for years now and always led all training with the younger werewolves. It took an admirable amount of effort to train to be a pack fighter. They had to always be prepared to put their life on the line. It was defiantly not something I was ever going to be capable of doing. Especially since I could only shift rarely.

Adrian started putting us into pairs before assigning us with a group of children to help train. Camilla and Cayden were put together like usual and Bree was put with Loki, something they both seemed happy about.

"Do you think you'll be his mate?" I asked Bree before she walked off to join him.

Brianna shrugged. "I don't think so. We're just friends with benefits for the most part... He's a great guy. He's fun to be around." She walked off and I watched her go, listening as everyone else was paired up. At the end, it was just me and Nate who didn't have a group and I froze when I realized what that meant.

"You can't put me with him." I spat out, glaring at Nate before turning my attention to Adrian.

Adrian raised an eyebrow at me. "You're the future Alpha and Beta of the pack. You need to learn how to work together." He walked off before I could get another word out. I scowled at Nate, walking past him to join the small group of seven children we had been assigned to work with.

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