Chapter 31

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Nate's Point of View: 

"You have to tell him!"

"I can't tell him."

"What's stopping you?!"

I looked up at Chloe's face. Her eyes were hard and her arms crossed as she took me in with mild irritation. "He's literally your mate! You can't hide this stupid secret forever. It'll destroy you!"

I felt like I had received that same lecture from Chloe a hundred times.

"I'm sorry okay?" I breathed out, not wanting to go into all the reasons now as to why I couldn't tell Casper the truth. Firstly, I knew he'd be annoyed, really annoyed that I had been hiding it from him. Secondly... this was all much bigger than just the two of us being mates. It involved my parents and their wicked schemes, Hailey and her deceitful plans, and my fae father and he's skilful half-truths. Chloe wouldn't understand.

"I'm not the person you should be apologising too." Chloe muttered out, turning away from me to find interest in the trees as the two of us walked side by side amongst the White Woods. It was a nice night; the stars littered the sky as the moon cast a translucent glow over the cobbled ground below us.

"Don't you ever think about all the things the two of you could be doing together if you told me?" Chloe asked me softly, her eyes were fastened to the stars up in the sky, an almost whimsical look seemed to appear on her face and I could tell she was thinking about her own mate out there somewhere.

"Through it all Nate, I'm glad I'm your friend because you're really good at showing me all the ways I shouldn't treat my mate once I meet them."

I tried not to take that comment too personally as my heart seemed to sink in my chest and guilt washed through my veins. I spent a good portion of my time these days feeling guilty. I felt guilty for keeping secrets, lying to everyone close to me, hating myself for what I was going to have to do to my mate once his birthday came around. My heart seemed to squeeze in my chest at even the thought of my parent's wretched plans.

"It's not too late to back out." Chloe said softly, reading my mind perfectly.

I gave her a small smile and the two of us continued on our way, our feet meeting the ground the only sound in the otherwise quiet forest as we walked back towards our pack lands. I hated silence. When my mind wasn't occupied with sound and the chatter around me, I became too deeply emersed in the wrong-doing and betrayal I seemed to be destined for. I sometimes felt like Chloe liked to make me feel guilty on purpose, as if it'd somehow change my course of path.

"I've been thinking you know." Chloe eventually said as we broke through the pack borders, walking out towards the sleepy pack. All the houselights seemed to be off and the small lamps which lit the streets were casting an ember glow which created an almost haunting atmosphere. "This whole mess with Brianna and the rouges and Hailey... surely if Hailey was smart she'd have someone on the inside... right?"

I raised my eyes into Chloe's as she gave me a contemplative look.

"You think Hailey has a spy amongst us?" I asked.

Chloe sighed and nodded. "It'll make sense wouldn't it? I mean, how did Hailey know where we all were that night after Camilla's- wait no Cayden's party..." Chloe trailed off and frowned. "No offence to Casper, but Camilla is honestly extremely egocentric."

I couldn't hep but chuckle at Chloe's sudden change of topic. It was strange how she could go from all daunting and real in one moment to confused and muddled the next.

"Camilla's not that bad once you get to know her... I defiantly recommend getting to know her sober though." I said.

Chloe sighed and looked up at the sky. "For sure. I don't think I can stand to have another conversation about stupid bats." She glared at the sky as if it had wronged her and I smiled once more.

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