Chapter 11

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Casper's Point of View: 

I felt nervous as Nate and I walked back through the forest. Nate was at the front, and I followed behind him, trusting he knew how to get back. He seemed annoyed, aggravated, and I didn't want to make that worse by arguing with him right now.

As Nate led me through the forest, it became obvious that he had come this way before. He must have some kind of relationship with Hailey, especially with how tense she seemed to make him.

"Nate?" I asked catching up to him. We held eye contact for a few moments. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Hailey killed my first pack, my first family... I don't like being near her." He darted his eyes away from mine and we kept walking.

"I'm sorry." I said for lack of better response. He just shook his head, not responding. I let the topic drop and we walked in silence for a while. There was a light breeze in air, making me shiver slightly. It was dark outside, through the gaps of the trees, I could just make out the moon in the sky.

I wondered what my parents were thinking right now. They were probably completely freaked out about my whereabouts. The same was probably the case with Nate's parents... though I'm sure he snuck away much more often than I did.

I was surprised we hadn't come across anyone searching for us. I assumed Brianna was looking for me. She probably would have come to the conclusion that Nate had kidnapped me as we were both missing.

"Is there a reason why you can't shift?" Nate suddenly asked me, breaking me out of the spell of my thoughts. He paused and was studying me with curiosity. I hesitated. No one knew this story. No one outside of my family knew this story.

"I can shift." I said.

Nate raised an eyebrow at me in obvious disbelief. "So what? When we were attacked you refused to help on purpose? It was obvious to me you didn't help because you couldn't help." He said.

"I froze." I muttered. "I don't do well under stress." I tried to keep walking but Nate stopped me grabbing my hand. We looked in one another's eyes silently for a few moments.

"I don't believe you." Nate finally said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm the future Alpha. It's your job to protect me." I muttered. Even though it was the complete opposite which was actually the case. I was supposed to protect my people. I was supposed to have protected him. I just couldn't. I wasn't able too.

"Did something happen to you? Did someone attack you?" Nate asked rather gently. 

I looked back at him and glared. "Nate. Leave it!" I snapped. "I don't want to talk about this. Least of all with you."

He seemed somewhat shocked at my outburst. I studied him carefully. "You really thought I would tell you my secrets?" I asked. "After all the shit you've put me through the past few years... I mean, I appreciate the fact you saved my life earlier, but that doesn't equate to me trusting you."

I turned back around so I wouldn't have to look at him before walking ahead.

Nate followed behind me, silent for a few moments. "Sorry." He eventually said. "I won't ask again."

I gave him a small nod and silence enveloped us once again.

As we walked, I could make out a feint clearing up ahead. I walked towards it and Nate followed me. On the other side I could see houses, and people walking about. I hoped someone would be able to tell us where to go.

As we stepped out of the forest, Nate seemed to hesitate slightly, slowly scanning his eyes around at all the houses and people. "I don't remember this being here." He said slowly.

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