Chapter 19

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Nate's Point of View

"It all just seems so unusual doesn't it? I mean... Hailey doesn't have any motive... not with what she already has against me... and it's not like some other Alpha sent rouges to attack... I honestly just don't get how-"

"Nate, how long are you going to spend going on about this?" Loki asked me, taking another bite of the cake in front of him. "I mean... I get you want to get to the bottom of this. We all do... but ranting to me about your possibilities is getting us nowhere."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend and sighed, putting my head in my hand. "I don't like feeling... useless."

Loki sighed. "I still don't understand why it's bothering you so much... I mean, yes, someone's after the twins... but you don't care about the twins... I mean, you should. You defiantly should, but you never have before..."

I said nothing to that. I still was yet to tell my best friend about Casper being my mate.

"You should try some of this cheese cake. Its really good." Loki said as an afterthought.

We were sitting inside the small bakery run by Jenna and Ashton. Loki had been coming by almost daily to supplement his food fetish.

"I can't eat when I'm stressed." I muttered.

Loki sighed and finished the last spoon full of cake before facing me. "You need to stop over thinking. The twins are safe, you are safe, everyone is safe... what more could you have hoped for?"

"A lead maybe." I murmured.

Loki gave a light chuckle. "Nate, its not your responsibility. The adults are on it, okay? Bree told me her parents have a plan."

I was sure that whatever plan Bree's parents did have wouldn't be as good as something I could come up with. They didn't know as much as I did about pack threats. They weren't as close to Hailey as I was. They had less experience with rouges than I had. Loki wouldn't understand, but if someone was out to get Casper, that was my responsibility. That was completely my responsibility, and I wouldn't rest- couldn't rest- until I found out who was responsible.

"Can I get some more cake?" Loki called out to the counter and I mentally rolled my eyes at my friend.

"Don't you ever get sick of cake?" I asked.

Ashton came over to our table and lowered his eyes at Loki. "You realize you're accumulating quite a hefty check, right?" He asked.

Loki chuckled and gave the omega a warm smile. "Come on Ashton, you love me."

"I would love you a little more if I didn't have to see you three times a day." Ashton said before walking back to the counter after taking a few coins from Loki.

Loki smiled and gave a low whistle. "I'm your best customer." He said.

Ashton scoffed, placing another plate of cake on our table "You're my most annoying customer."

Ashton walked away again and I raise an eyebrow at my best friend in question.

"I'm only here three times a day because I get hungry and can't cook." Loki whined.

"How about you learn how to cook?" I asked.

"I will, if you take lessons with me."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I wasn't referring to how often you come here... I want to know what's up between you and the omega."

"Well one, his name is Ashton not 'the Omega'." Loki said raising an eyebrow at me. "And nothing's up... we're friends... kind of."

I snorted. "Friends? That's why he calls you annoying?" Not that I could really blame Ashton. I found Loki infuriating at times as well.

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