Chapter 45

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So.... this chapter contains sex!!! It's about to get spicy so get ready!

Caser's Point of View

Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, I had never felt this nervous. Anticipation bubbled in my veins and I found myself caught int a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I wanted this. I wanted Nate. More than anything. But I was scared. Fearful. What if this wasn't what we expected? What if it was awful? What if I felt nothing but pain?

The fluttering in my stomach felt like a thousand butterflies taking over me and the steady rhythm of my heartbeat seemed almost too loud in the barren, empty house. The thrill of possibility coursed through my veins like lightning, electrifying my insides with a sense of exhilaration that was intoxicating yet nerve-wracking.

I heard my phone beep from beside me and quickly latched onto the solid object, a sense of familiarity amongst this uncertainty. It was a text from Camilla.

So much has happened in the pack since you've left. I've got heaps to tell you!

I stared at the message for a few moments before pressing the 'call' button, biting my lip anxiously as I dialled through to Camilla and she answered with a breathless 'hello' as if she had just been running.

"Camilla?" I asked. Hearing my friend's voice did little to settle my nerves when I had always built up this moment so much in my head. "I need advice desperately."

"Did Nate screw up again? I swear Casp if he screwed up again-"

"No- no he didn't." I cut her off before she could give me a well thought out lecture on my boyfriend's tactlessness and stupidity. "We... we're going to... you know."

There was silence on the other end of the line before I heard a chorus of screaming as Camilla busted my eardrums with her eagerness and over excited squeals. "Oh my goddess, oh my goddesses, oh my goddess, tell me everything!"

"Nothing's happened yet Camilla." I rushed out. "Nate said he had to go and buy a few things to make it easier..."

"Yes lube duh." Camilla said.

I felt my cheeks heat up at Camilla's unkept ability to throw words around regardless of their connotations or innuendos.

"I'm just... I'm just not sure what to expect." I mumbled out. I knew Camilla wouldn't have much of an idea either, but I would take any advice. Literally any.

"Okay... Casp you have to relax." Camilla said. "I assume Nate's going to be... you know... fucking you?"

"This time, yes." I voiced out softly as Camilla once again squealed through the phone.

"Okay, okay, okay." She rushed out. "Obviously I don't have experience with anal, but I can expect it'll hurt like a bitch if you're not prepared." Camilla said. "Don't let him hurt you okay? Tell him to stop if you need it. That's super important. Consent is everything!"

I nodded even though I knew Camilla couldn't see me.

"Also, sex is hardly ever what people expect the first time. Usually it's messy, frustrating, a little embarrassing, and extremely unusual..." Camilla trailed off. "So don't feel bad if it doesn't seem to click right away."

I let out a breath. "Thanks Camilla. Talking to you helped... surprisingly." I said.

Camilla gave a fake gasp through the phone. "Excuse you, I always give great advice!" She exclaimed and I smiled and gave an eye roll as I heard the front door unlock a few rooms over and anxiety clouded my mind once again.

"Nate's here." I whispered.

"You'll be fine. I promise!" Camilla rushed out. "Let me know how it goes! And remember, consent is everything!"

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