Chapter 58

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Hi everyone!! Chapter 58 ended up being wayyyyyyy longer than i thought it would haha. It came to roughly 5500 words, so I split it into two to make it easier to read. This is a double update so get ready!!


Nate's Point of View: 

I didn't have much time left. I had told Bree the promise I had made to my father, about letting Hailey kill me in exchange for him protecting our pack and the twins. Brianna thought I was an utter idiot.

"We can take care of ourselves Nate!" She had sighed, running her hands down her face. "You seriously want me to have to tell Casper that his mate died trying to save everyone? Nate you're a selfish arsehole! Don't suddenly change now when we need you!"

I hadn't said anything in response. I had no other plan.

"I can't believe Chloe is Jade and your half sister." Brianna murmured. "That's absolutely crazy! I mean sure, you guys look somewhat alike but wow... if my brother turned on me the way Chloe turned on you..." Brianna whistled. "There would definitely be hell to pay!"

"How long do you think Hailey will wait before tracking me down?" I asked Bree and she shrugged.

"A day. Maybe two." She mused.

I nodded and Brianna hesitated, narrowing her eyes at the ground. "Hey Nate... have you considered asking Chloe for help?" She asked, looking up at me. "I mean, I know your deal with your father is that Chloe will die before you to complete your stupid Fae ritual thing... but Chloe must know this Salvarian witch... they must have worked together... maybe Chloe will be able to convince this witch not to go through with Hailey's plans and to remove all of Hailey's extra powers."

I paused, thinking that through carefully. "Do you think Chloe will be willing to help though?" I murmured. "I mean, she was spying on us this whole past year."

"Yes, but she's your sister." Brianna said. "There has to be a reason why she joint Hailey's side in the first place... I think we need to talk to her... she might be able to help."

I nodded in agreement. "It won't be easy finding her though. My father has probably locked her somewhere deep in his chamber. I don't think he wants me seeing her."

Brianna smiled. "Then we need a plan... and lucky for you, I'm pretty good at those."

"Oh yeah? what you got?" I asked and Brianna smiled.

"Distraction." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "He won't fall for that." I murmured.

Brianna giggled. "All boys fall for that." She gave a wink and smiled. "So, how do we get into this Fae village of yours?"

I lead the way into the White Woods with Brianna trailing behind. We reached the small lake and I paused, looking down at the water. Brianna stopped next to me. "Is this it?" She asked and I nodded.

I looked up at her and lowered my eyes. "So how does this distraction plan of yours work?" I asked.

Brianna smiled. "You're going to go and talk to your dad. Drink his stupid potion thing, ask him questions, you know. The usual distraction stuff." She shrugged and eyed the water. "I'm going to search his little palace for Chloe."

"You'll get caught." I said.

Brianna smiled. "I know longer carry a werewolf scent. I'm human now. Fae may be on guard for werewolves but I don't think they'll be actively searching for mere little humans wondering their gardens. I'll be fine." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

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