Chapter 43

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Casper's Point of View: 

"I hate him. I hate him so much." I said as I sat on the empty park bench. The darkness of the night echoed the feelings in my despaired heart as I recounted the night's events. "Do you think I was too harsh?" I breathed out.

Through the phone, Camilla immediately said 'no' as Cayden gave a tentative 'maybe'.

I heard Camilla gasp through the phone line and I could imagine the heated glare she was probably shooting Cayden.

"Nate doesn't deserve you Casp." Camilla said. "I'm sorry, but drunk or not, he should not be entertaining other people when he's got a partner. All Nate has done since his birthday is lie and manipulate and deceive you... you have to stop running back to him!" At the end of her rant, Camilla took several breaths, letting her words sink in.

"Look, Nate shouldn't have entertained her. You're right." Cayden said to Camilla. "But it still isn't entirely Nate's fault if girls decide to flirt with him... if he was drinking, he might not have been realised that this girl was hitting on him in the first place. It might have gone straight over his head."

"That shouldn't matter." Camilla said dismissively. "Nate's an idiot. Dump his arse."

"Camilla, Nate's not-"

"No!" Camilla snapped, cutting Cayden off. "He's an arse. Let him rot in his sadness and don't go back to him."

"Do you ever let anyone else talk?" Cayden asked irritably. "They're mates Camilla. No matter what Nate does, there's a reason why they're paired up."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Camilla asked coldly. "What's your reason for being paired to Kailian then?"

"I don't know." Cayden said exasperatedly. "But I'm sure there is one..." He let out a breath. "Look Casp, what you want to do about Nate is your choice... but I don't think this incident was ill intentioned... I think it is all just an unfortunate misunderstanding... As soon as you told him how you felt he stopped... he ran after you... sure he's an idiot whose making mistakes along the way but I do believe he's trying..."

Camilla scoffed. "You're just saying that because you're hoping the same can be said for your situation."

"My situation doesn't involve betrayal and manipulation." Cayden said.

"No, but it involves an ignorant, spiteful, brooding prince who has hardly given you a second glance since you're eighteenth birthday." Camilla said smugly. "You're hoping that there's hope for you and-"

"This is completely off topic and not something we should be discussing now." Cayden snapped at her.

"Really? Because you're saying Casp should just forgive Nate as if he hasn't-"

"Guys stop. Please." I pleaded out, closing my eyes and trying to escape from the headache that was my closest friends. I don't know why I thought calling Camilla and Cayden would be a good idea. At times they could be super helpful and provide plenty of fruitful advice. Other times, like now, they were a complete waste of time.

"I think I'm just going to head back." I muttered, staring up at the night sky for a few moments longer. "This whole thing is all so stressful... I just want us to be in a good place. No more lying. No more storming off. No more drama. Just us. Two werewolves in love, living together with a family...' I trailed off, aware that I was rambling to two friends who would probably cause another argument out of my words, but I didn't care.

"Wait, you're actually in love with him?" Camilla asked, a hint of disbelief intertwined in her words and I mutely nodded knowing she couldn't see me.

"I think so." I whispered. "We've walked a fine line for years you know... he was once my best friend... no offence to you Cayden but-"

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