Chapter 4

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Casper's P.O.V: 

I watch as Nate's cool gaze flickered between me and my sister. A part of me thought I could detect a glimmer of uncertainty hidden behind the usual glare in his ocean green eyes, but it disappeared too fast to be sure. If Nate was upset about not having found his mate, he didn't show it. His stoic expression betrayed no emotion as he matched the glare that Brianna was shooting him dead on. I had always assumed that somewhere, somehow, hidden deeply within the chamber of Nate's cold dark heart, he did feel the common longing for a mate, but he didn't seem fazed by the absence of his own one bit- Even if it meant he couldn't officially be Beta until he found one. That brought me some relief. 

Nate's gaze lingered onto me and stayed there briefly before he placed his attention back onto Bree who had now started laughing. Her smile wide and full of amusement as she stared wickedly at the one we both hated most in the world. "No mate? The incredible, all-amazing Nathaniel Zaderial is mate- less?"

I couldn't hide a grin at that statement. Through Bree's tone, I knew she was never going to let Nate hear the end of this. Nate however, didn't seem too threatened, merely giving her a shrug and one of his own all too familiar smirks in return. He gave a cruel laugh, flashing us both his perfect white teeth as he smiled. "I know you're using your ironic sarcasm to hide your disappointment that my mate is not in fact, you."

I almost rolled my eyes at the egocentric statement whilst Bree gave a defiant scowl. What was it with attractive guys and them thinking that every girl was out to get them? Not that Nate was attractive, not by any means... and Brianna could do heaps better.

Nate's eyes had shifted back to Bree when he had spoke, but once he was finished, they found their way back to me again. His cold stare was intense and I felt as if he was trying to see through me. Studying him closely, I thought I could detect that his cold expression wasn't as solid as usual. I didn't dwell on it. Nate wasn't worth my time.

His friend Loki called out to him and I watched as Nate turned his eyes away from us before giving me one last glance and walking away.

Brianna still had a large smile plastered on her face and I couldn't help but smile in return.

"This is probably the best day of my life." Brianna said.

"Your life must be pretty sad if this is your best day." I said teasingly. Brianna only rolled her eyes.

"You must feel somewhat relieved." She said. "Now when he tries to start something on us, we have something against him as well." Brianna smiled. She loved to fight fire with fire. I was usually the peace maker in the pair, but Nate tended to rile me up as well.

The rest of the night remained uneventful. Nate was still the centre of attention, and played off the whole not getting a mate thing to his advantage. Many times I heard him telling people that it was a good thing he hadn't found someone to mate with. It just meant they were elsewhere, and according to Nate, part of a much stronger pack more in alliance with his attributes. Many times, I found myself rolling my eyes at his antics.

Bree and I got home long after our parents that night. Our parents were both early sleepers and early risers. With all their Alpha and Luna duties, they had to make sure they were always well rested and well prepared. They tried to instil the same habits into Bree and I but it hadn't worked out like they had planned. I always tried to get to sleep early, but my best friends Camilla and Cayden were night owls and loved to go out after sun set... and Bree... well, she was Bree. She did whatever she pleased, in any way she pleased it. I admired her for it greatly. 

Although that usually meant going off to parties with her friends or sneaking down to the beach with a boy she had just met... at times she stayed out all night to the great displeasure of our parents who wanted to make sure we were both always safe. Bree had the free life I had always wished to have. But being the future Alpha came with responsibilities, and those included being an optimal citizen.

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