Chapter 41

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Casper's Point of View: 

"Do you think the water's cold?" Nate asked me as we leaned against the edge of the boat. It was now streaming through the water and after having a few weeks and not much food, the alcohol seemed to be fogging Nate's head.

"I do think so, yes." I said smiling back at Nate who was behind me, hugging me close to him as he nuzzled my neck and lay kisses on my skin.

"I really hope this boat doesn't capsize." He mumbled against my skin and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"It's rare for a boat to capsize in the ocean. I highly doubt it's going to happen in a lake surrounded by land." I said. Nate hummed in agreement, his fingers trailing up and down my waist, making me shiver as I leant back further into this embrace.

Nate was always super affectionate when he was drinking and I found it almost cute after seeing how snarky and sarcastic he usually was.

"The city is so pretty at night." Nate said softly from behind me. The buildings were reflecting bright neon lights onto the water, merging with the party lights on the boat to create a memorising allure.

"You're so pretty." I said teasingly back and Nate smiled, kissing my cheek.

"I love you Casp." He breathed out and I smiled at that, feeling a warm pulse in our bond.

"I love you too." I whispered back, turning around in Nate's embrace so we were eye to eye. Nate moved his arms around my waist, pulling me in as his lips met mine and hands moved downwards to fondle and knead my ass. The touches sent ripple effects through my body in the form of dozens of lightning strikes in my veins and I shivered as I moaned lowly in his mouth.

He smirked at me like he always did when he was able to draw reactions out of me, and lightly pressed his fingers against my entrance through my clothes, rubbing at my opening softly as his green eyes glistened with mischief and danger.

"Nate." I whispered softly.

"No ones watching us." Nate said to me. "Goddess I love your ass so much Casp." He gave my ass a squeeze with his hands and I tried to bite back whimpers that threatened to escape from my lips.

"Do you have an exhibitionist kink or something?" I got out as Nate's hand went dangerously close to slipping through my jeans and he smiled at me, letting out a curt laugh.

"I don't normally... but I really love the idea of claiming you right here in front of everyone and showing them all who you belong too."

I shivered as his words rushed over me. Nate claimed my lips with his own, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, providing me with more of his delicious taste. I moved my hands upwards to pull at Nate's hair when a laugh from my left caught me off-guard and sent me moving back from Nate, humiliation rising through my body at being caught.

"Frisky are we?" it was a girl with short cherry red hair and bright blue eyes. She was also wearing black robes and held a broomstick in her hands. The black pointed hat on her head cast a shadow over her face which was adorned with intricate patterns of dark make up and eye liner and she wore ear rings which dangled amulets and charms.

"Great costume." Nate said with a grin. "You definitely put more effort into this wizard- witch thing than us."

The girl shrugged, smiling at Nate and leaning against the balcony. "I had a lot of time to prepare... besides..." She let out a small giggle. "I'm not gonna get free drinks by looking basic am I?"

Nate laughed. "If it wouldn't annoy my boyfriend over here, I would have totally bought you a drink." He gave her a wink and the girl cast her eyes over to me. I'm sure she could see my obvious glare, clenched jaw and fisted fingers; all a result of her talking to my mate but she chose to ignore it, looking back at Nate with a flattering smile.

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