Chapter 21

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Nate's Point of View: 

I left Casper sleeping the next morning to hang out with Loki. I knew he would love the romantic night I had planned and I was happy I could do something nice for him after all the years of contempt.

Walking into the White Woods, I found Loki sitting exactly where I had told him to meet me. He had a large slice of chocolate cake in his hands, of course. He beamed at me and waved me over and I rolled my eyes before joining him on the rough brown grass.

"I see you went back to the bakery." I said eyeing the cake wearily.

Loki laughed. "I did, Ash is warming up to me, ya know? Today he didn't even roll his eyes at me!"

I gave a smile. "Shocker. I've known you for seven years and even I can't manage that."

"I know right?"

I rolled my eyes and lay back, keeping my eyes on the sky above. "I've got an issue and I need your help." I murmured. Loki copied my actions and held eye contact with me.

"Issue? An issue with Casper?" His tone of voice was too teasing to be a coincidence. I stayed silent and he laughed. "Nate, I see the way you look at him... but don't worry, I won't push you."

"It's an issue with my father." I said cutting off Loki as quickly as I could.

Loki raised his eyebrows at me, and I gave him a small smile. "I need answers about certain things... but he wants something in return... and I don't think I can do it alone."

Loki slowly nodded, hesitating before responding. "Are you sure you can trust him? He's not the most reliable of guy."

I rolled my eyes. That was an understatement. "I don't think I have a choice." I said with a sigh. I needed definite answers and I needed them as soon as possible.

"So, what does he want exactly?" Loki asked me. "And does it involve murder? Because knowing your father he seems like the diabolical psychopathic type."

I rolled my eyes again. "Yes it involves murder because that's something I'm totally capable of." I muttered.

Loki gave me a knowing look which I chose to ignore. "He wants me to restore his magic." I said, closing my eyes. I didn't want to think about what a bad idea that was. My father was one of the most powerful beings in our world. I knew if he had his magical powers returned he was capable of darkness beyond which we have seen.

"Wow bro, that's much worse than murder." Loki said, as usual making me feel much better about the task I had to accomplish, like always. "What's your plan?"

I gave him a pointed look and sighed. I didn't have a plan. The only person who knew where this witch was, the one who took my father's powers, was my mother. My mother who had paid the witch to complete the task. I couldn't directly ask my mother about it either. She was yet to find out the true nature of my biology and birth.

It was a messy situation I somehow needed to untangle.

"Doesn't your father know which witch did it?" Loki asked through a mouth full of cake. "I mean, he would have had to see the witch right? When they were removing his fairy magic?"

I shot Loki an irritable glance. "Please do not call us 'fairies'. We are not tiny, delicate, innocent little winged creatures who act as if we'd just come out of some children's book."

Loki roared with laughter. "Oh my gosh Nate... you and Tinkerbell could be related! Do you think you could introduce me?" He battered his eyelashes at me and I gave him a playful swat on the shoulder.

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