Chapter 56

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Nate's Point of View: 

I didn't know what hurt more; the witch powder flooding through my system and making my body tremor in anguish as it was slowly expelled, or my mate's declaration that he no longer wanted anything to do with me at all. I closed my eyes, shutting them tightly as if that could switch off my brain and spare me from the avalanche of despair flooding through my heart. I couldn't stop my mind from spiralling through the reality of what had just happened. I could picture every moment so clearly in my mind.

I was now Alpha like I had always wanted to be but I didn't want it anymore.

I had lost Casper. Brianna had spilled my secret. My whole pack hated me.

I deserved the hostility. I deserved Brianna's unprecedented murder attempt and I deserved Casper's undeniable hatred and venom.

I knew why I had to betray Casper. I knew this was the only way I could prevent Hailey from killing him. It still didn't feel right by any means.

I tried to keep the vision clear in my mind. Now that I'm Alpha, when Hailey attacks our pack she will be killing me. She wouldn't be killing Casper. He would be safe. I would be the one that was dead. That was the end goal. Even if I had to lose Casper, keeping him alive was more important. Even if Casper hates me whilst Hailey rips my heart from my chest, at least I'll die knowing he'll be safe.

I stayed still, taking deep breaths until my body had gained enough strength to move. I then followed the familiar path I had walked many times before, back to Casper's house. Standing outside, illuminated by the front porch light, I felt the gravity of the situation kicking in. I was now destined to be alone forever. Casper was going to be alone forever. I hoped second chance mates were a real thing and my death wouldn't leave Casper love-less for the rest of his hopefully extensive life. I shivered at the thought of someone else touching him, kissing him, loving him but it was better than the alternative. It had to be.

I stayed outside Casper's house for a few moments longer, training my eyes over the white picket fences and dusty terrain. The lights were all off inside and the halls seemed bathed in eerie darkness. It was almost as if the house was mourning too. I spent one last moment there before regretfully moving back to my own house and groggily making my way back to my bedroom. It felt strange coming back home after living with Casper for so long in blinding peace, playing house in a serenity that camouflaged the danger and impending doom within.

I couldn't help but look through my bedroom window into Caspers'. I was surprised that the shutters were still up until I realised that Casper wasn't inside his room. The lights were all off but the bed seemed distantly empty, empty enough for a ghost to take comfort in the morbid emptiness. My skin couldn't help but crawl at the isolation I was sensing from the other side. Maybe I was just being paranoid but it was after midnight and being outside alone in a heart broken state could be dangerous.

I tried to ease my thoughts by thinking realistically about the situation. Casper could be in Bree's room, talking to her about all his issues. Casper could also be at Cayden or Camilla's houses. Whenever I was upset I liked to seek out the support of my friends although I wasn't sure whether my friends would even still be my friends after all of this. Betraying one's mate was the greatest sin of the werewolf. I'm not too sure if they would want anything to do with me now, despite their dislike of Casper.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I saw Casper back in his bedroom, so I sat on my bed staring outside the window. Time seemed to drag on and on and with every tick of the clock's hand on my bedside table, my anxiety seemed to soar higher and higher.

I saw the light's flicker on in Casper's room and I could feel the hope soar through my heart as I walked to the window unconsciously. My heart deflated like a balloon as I saw it was Bree who had walked into Casper's room. My stomach dropped as I watched Bree take in the absent room before looking right up at me through the window.

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