Chapter 6

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Casper's P.O.V: 

I wasn't sure what was more strange- the fact I went through the whole school day, again, without Nate pestering me once, or the fact that Nate's parents had invited our family over to their house for dinner.

When my parents had informed me of the news, I had spent hours going through it in my head, trying to find a motive or explanation. I assumed it would be a trick of some sorts. I had always been scared that Nate and his family would do something to try and win their title of Alpha back. They hadn't yet, and I assumed they wouldn't with my parents still in charge. Still... the worry was there and it was very present. Brianna had told me I was being overdramatic and I had stopped over-obsessing about the topic as much.

Still... I was somewhat suspicious. My parents had once been best friends with Nate's... but that all changed after my parents had challenged his for the position of Alpha in the pack and had surprisingly won. My family had never been forgiven. It's not that I didn't understand why, I did feel guilty about what my parents had done, but I had never appreciated Nate taking it out on me and Bree. We had no executive choice in what went down with our parents. Forcing hate onto Bree and I was a stupid means of retaliation. Especially considering my childhood self had once thought of Nate to be my best friend.

I looked up as my bedroom door flew open and Brianna strode in.

"Get up. We're going for a run." She said, eyeing the state of my room.

I scowled at her. "Have you heard of knocking? I could have been doing something private."

Brianna laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. You're funny. Come on." She walked outside and I sighed and stood up, quickly getting dressed. Brianna knew that I was the type to dwell on things and always made sure that I couldn't. She really was a life saver to have as a sister.

The two of us shifted and ran into the forest, letting the cool breeze ruffle our fur as we ran amongst the trees. The forest closest to us was named the White Woods. It was a large area, so it was good for runs. The pack lands were also fairly isolated, so there wasn't much worry of running into any rogues or hunters in the forest. Otherwise our parents would never let us out. I didn't blame them. especially not after my past incident.

Brianna and I both had white wolves. Not many others could say the same. It was a trait passed down through our mother's side of the family and it made us stand out. It was one of the rarer shades, us being one of the few in the pack to have it.

We made it to the lake, located in the middle of the forest and both shifted back before dangling out feet into the water and talking about everything that had happened the past few weeks. Many people thought it was strange how often the two of us would talk privately amongst ourselves and hang out together. But it wasn't strange at all really. Brianna and I were extremely close. We were twins. Built in best friends, and we did and will always do, everything together.

We lay back on the grass, watching the sky, as I listened to one of Brianna's lectures on the uselessness of spiders, a topic she always started on when we ran in the woods. Brianna had a deathly fear of spiders, something I did not share, and Brianna never failed to bring it up. She was the sort to inspect every spec of dirt she lay upon, just to make sure no spider was going to jump out at her unannounced. If there ever was a spider, we were moving and that was final. No questions asked.

"I really want to grow up." Brianna said suddenly, groaning and stretching out across the grass. "I've learnt recently that I love the idea of responsibility. I was out with Loki last night and mum literally waited up for me to get home just so she could give me a lecture, at four am mind you, about how irresponsible it is for me to go off with weird, suspicious boys in the middle of the night... I mean... I was tired, and wanted to go to sleep, but no." Brianna scowled.

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