Chapter 28

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Nate's Point of View: 

"Let's try not to panic. There could be some kind of other explanation for this." I said as I took in the mess surrounding the room. "I mean, it's not like we lost anyone important anyway." I pointed out under my breath as Casper sent me a seething glare forcing me to shut up.

"Yeah, I'm sure Brianna just trashed the room herself and decided to run away!" Casper snapped looking at me. 

"Besides, if we're talking about losing people who aren't important, it would be you who would be missing instead." Chloe added giving me a smirk. 

"Brianna ran away?!" Camilla shrieked, her dilated eyes widened as her hand flew to her mouth. "Why would she do that?"

No one bothered explaining the situation to a drunk Camilla. She wouldn't understand at the moment anyway. I put my hands up in surrender and took a step back. Although I was annoyed at the twins at present for hiding some secret about a Jade Zaderion of whom Brianna had mentioned, I knew now wasn't the time to pick a fight. Something didn't make sense about this whole situation... and where were Casper and Briana's parents? They were pretty strict about leaving the twins home alone late into the night and I could have sworn they were supposed to be home tonight.

"What does Hailey even want from Bree?" Chloe asked as she hesitantly stepped outside. "I mean... it was Hailey's pack right?"

"Who else could it have been?" Casper muttered, narrowing his eyes, obviously annoyed and in slight distress about the situation. I hesitantly took his hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze, but he pushed me away and joint Chloe outside instead. I felt my heart tear a little at the action. I hated it when he rejected my comfort and affection, although I knew we still had a long way to go before he felt fully accepting of me.

I joint Casper and Chloe outside, blinking through the twilight air as if the darkness would somehow give us a clue as to where to look for Brianna. "Why would Hailey take Brianna?" I murmured to myself, lowering my eyes in thought. I knew Hailey wanted the twins, but I was stuck as to why. Most times, Hailey's pack just destroyed every pack in her path, killing everyone and everything in sight. It seemed strange that she hadn't yet done the same to ours. I wasn't too sure why she was desperate to have the twins. I knew the twins were powerful, all Alphas had pack strength behind them which accelerated their strength and ability, but that didn't defeat the fact that the twins weren't Alpha's by blood.

Casper looked at me somewhat apprehensively, lips pursing as his mind seemed to be in silent debate about something. I could tell by his posture that he was struggling to come to terms with something. His eyes seemed somewhat frazzled and his fingers kept fidgeting with the strings on his jacket. I kept my eyes firmly on him, trying to convey support and comfort and watched as his eventually steadied on mine. He seemed to search my eyes intensively and thoroughly before letting out a sigh and giving a nod. "I know why Hailey wants Brianna and I... but I don't know what she's trying to do after she has us..." He said softly, looking only at me.

I could sense this was a fragile topic and cast my eyes over everyone else. Chloe and Loki were both looking between Casper and I in mild curiosity whilst Camilla was calling to the bats flying by overhead and Cayden was trying to prevent her from doing something stupid.

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked, looking at my friends.

Chloe nodded silently but Loki opened his mouth in shock.

"What- you want us to leave?" He asked in dismay. "Things are just getting interesting!" He whined, giving me a pout and pleading eyes which I chose to ignore.

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