Chapter 22

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Nate's Point of View

Waiting for Loki to turn up as I paced in front of the forest gave me much needed valuable time to think. The witches would never let us get close to their coven if they knew of our werewolf identity, but I wasn't only a werewolf. I had only tried it once before, but I have previously been able to utilize my Fae magic to conceal the part of myself that was half werewolf. I was hoping that I might be able to pull it off again and appear to the witches as a mere curious Fae. The witches still hated the Fae, but my chances would be far better.

I spotted Loki up ahead and waved him over. He beamed at me as he approached, his mouth moving in conversation which made me realize he wasn't alone. I lowered my eyes when I saw who was trailing behind him. Both of Loki's new friends from his new favorite bakery, Jenna and Ashton, as well as the witch I remembered to be Jenna's cousin. From memory, I thought I remembered her name to be Emma.

I gave Loki a look which I hoped conveyed 'What the hell are you thinking?!' as best as I could.

Loki gave me a meek smile and approached me somewhat cautiously. "Soooo Nate... I brought some friends... as you can see."

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at my friend. Loki knew that the one secret he couldn't tell, under any circumstance, was my Fae secret. I knew Loki was a blabba mouth, but I had hoped, really hoped, that this one time, he would pull through for me.

"Why are they here?" I hissed at Loki under my breath.

"You know we can hear you right?" Jenna deadpanned, giving me an unamused look.

I looked up at her, shooting her a cold look. "How much did my soon-to-be-dead friend tell you?"

"Hey, you don't want to kill me." Loki protested with mock annoyance. "You won't have any hot friends left to get you girls."

"How much did he tell you?" I pressed again.

"He told us we're looking for a witch." Jenna said.

"Yeah Nate chill." Loki said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Stop being so tense okay? We're looking for a witch, so I thought it'll be a good idea if we had one of our own with us. That's a good idea right?"

I bit my lip and flicked my eyes over to Emma. As annoyed as I was, it was a plausible suggestion. Maybe I was being a little... tense...

"Okay... fine." I said. "But you can't all come... I mean... what are their reasons for coming." I looked at Jenna and Ashton as I made the statement and Jenna lowered her eyes at me instantly.

"No offence noob but I have much more experience with the witches than you. I am half witch remember?" Jenna gave me a pointed look and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Don't slow me down." I murmured, setting into the forest with the others trailing behind.

"Are you going to tell us your plan?" Loki asked, jogging to catch up to me. "I mean, none of us are mind readers Nate..."

I rolled my eyes, walking at a brisk pace as I quickly filled in Loki and his new entourage about what I had found out from my mother.

"So let me get this straight." Loki said glancing across at me. "You want to hunt down some crazy psycho witch from some seemingly dangerous pack-"

"You already knew this Loki." I said with an irritated roll of my eyes. "Hopefully your witch friend can stop us from getting into too much trouble." I said, sneaking a glance back at Emma who was talking to her cousin in hushed whispers. "I don't see why they all had to come." I muttered under my breath.

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