Chapter 46

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Nate's Point of View: 

"Fuck." Casper breathed out as he stretched beside me, wakening me from my sleep. I cast my eyes over his form and smiled as the tangle of memories from the night before flicked through my mind like a perfect movie I couldn't believe was my life.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked softly, lightly bringing my hand up to his face to stroke his cheek as our eyes connected.

Casper leaned into my touch and nodded into my palm giving me a light kiss on the hand as he gave me a lazy smile. "I'm good... I'm better than good." He said lightly. "I mean, my ass hurts but it's totally worth it."

I gave a small smile, pulling him closer to me so that my hand rested on his waist as I brought our lips together again, delving into a passionate kiss that reignited the passion from the night before and made my lust flare up once more. I still couldn't believe this was happening.... That any of this was real. After everything that happened, I never truly believed Casper would love me. I was scared I would be alone for the rest of my life... but this was happening. He loved me. I loved him. Things were good.

"Did it live up to your expectation?" I asked.

Casper smiled and nodded. "It was a good first time... very romantic."

"Good?" I asked. "Only good? Not amazing? Or incredible? Or the best night of your whole life and all you can think about is doing it again?"

Casper chuckled. "It was good Nate... It was... magical.. exhilarating... everything I imagined." He pushed me flat onto the bed and moved on top of me, looking down on me as he studied me closely. "It was good... but I know you can do better." Casper lightly whispered the words against my skin as he brought his lips down to mine, gently tracing my bottom lip with his tongue as he consumed me with his taste.

"What does- what does that mean?" I asked gently pushing him away from me.

Casper looked down at me and chuckled. "You can be rough with me you know." He whispered softly. "We're werewolves. We're not delicate. You were holding back a little last night... and it was great. Perfect. For a first time... but I think we can do a little better don't you?"

To say those words shocked me was an understatement.

"I can show you how it's done if you'd like." Casper said lightly nibbling at my skin, making me shiver as he sucked at the pulse point of my neck, making my mouth open in a silent moan.

"I can- I can be forceful." I murmured out. "In a romantic way... I don't want to hurt you. Ever."

"Okay. I'll pretend the past seven years haven't happened then." Casper said with a small laugh and I groaned, pushing him off me.

"Why did you have to remind me of my stupidity?" I asked as I rolled out of bed.

"It's my biggest bit of leverage on you." Casper said with a wink.

"I really don't want to go back." I said, gazing through the window at the streets outside. Despite my few short comings and mishaps, it had been a good getting away together.

"It's okay. We've got our own little hut by the White Woods we can use to fuck whenever you want." Casper smiled at me and I threw a pillow at him.

"As soon as I get back Loki's going to want to hear everything... he can be so nosey." I rolled my eyes. "He won't stop unless he gets some gossip from me."

Casper laughed. "Brianna's the same..." He trailed off and his face betrayed a wave of sadness as he thought about his sister.

"You still don't know where Bree is?" I asked. "I thought she was supposed to be giving you updates."

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