Chapter 51

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Casper's Point of View: 

I didn't know what I expected to see when I woke up, but it wasn't to be locked in a cage in a dark passage way with a bunch of other werewolves in the midst of Hailey's pack. I tried to blink through the darkness, searching for one familiar face in particular but I found it hard to see through the blurry blackness suffocating my eyesight.

I decided to switch tactics.

"Bree?" I asked softly, my voice echoing through the dark chambers.

There was no reply. Only laboured breathing from the werewolves trapped in the cages surrounding me. I sighed, leaning back against the dungeon walls. My hands were clasped in silver chains and my feet were shackled to the cold, damp floor, rendering any escape futile.

"What is this place?" I murmured instead.

What was Hailey doing with all of us?

A light flickered on to my left, drawing my attention upwards. A group of werewolves who I assumed to be Hailey's were carrying an unconscious individual towards another cage situated further down from me. With the flicker of light, I looked around at the werewolves positioned closest to me. There was a girl in the cage opposite me. She was young, looking to be around 13 or 14 and had curled up into a tiny ball in the corner. Next to her was a man who glared at the werewolves as they dumped the unconscious individual into her own cage before sealing the cells shut once more.

"To my left and right were women who looked to be a little older than me. I didn't recognise either of them. The girl to my right was asleep on the ragged floor whilst the girl to my left was standing up, giving Hailey's werewolves a death glare as they walked out of the corridor once more and the light went out.

I swallowed and tried to also stand up despite the chains around my wrists acting like weights attempting to pull me down. I knew Nate would come for me. He was probably panicking about this whole situation. The only good thing was that our plan had worked.

Chloe was the spy, and at least Nate would be able to warn the others about her before any more confidential secrets about our plans were revealed to Hailey.

After Hailey's wolves leaved, the dungeons were silent once more. I wondered if anyone knew anything about what was happening here. It looked almost like a scientific lab of some kind. I shivered at the thought, thinking back to my own run ins with Hailey when I was a child; when she almost successful drained me of my own supernatural ability and rendered me unable to properly shift.

There was no windows in the room and no natural sunlight at all. I couldn't see any avenue for escape and it made a bad feeling fester itself within my body.

I had to get out of here.

"Hailey!" I called out, walking as close to the metal bars as I could and peering at the hallway on the other side. "Hailey come here and explain yourself to me!" I tried to shout out.

"That won't work." The woman to my left said. I turned to face her voice.

"What's happening here? Why is she locking werewolves up?" I asked.

"She isn't locking just ordinary werewolves up." The woman muttered. "She's locking Alpha's up."

A sense of unease permeated through my veins at those words. "Why?" I asked.

"It'll do you best not to ask too many questions." Someone else said from a few cells down. I couldn't figure out who. "Hailey punishes those of us who become too curious. There's a reason why we're left down here alone."

"And you haven't tried to escape?" I asked. "If you're all Alphas, surely we can take her."

"You see... we can't." The woman to my left said again. "Hailey isn't just trapping us here. She's taking our powers. Most of us are no longer Alpha's... we're no longer werewolves at all." I could hear the crestfallen edge in her voice and I shivered at what that could mean.

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