Chapter 50

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Nate's Point of View: 

I fell down to the ground as Hailey, Casper and all Hailey's wolves were teleported away. "No, no, no, no." I rambled out, clawing at the ground in frustration. "This can't be happening. This can't be happening!" I screamed out, glaring at the spot where Hailey stood. My anger was bubbling like a raging inferno, threatening to consume me from within. Every breath felt like a gulp of scalding air and my fists were clenched so tightly that my nails dug into my palms, making me bleed. "She took Casper. I can't believe she took Casper." I breathed out. Tears of anger surfaced in my eyes and I quickly used my sleeve to wipe them away.

"We'll find him Nate." Camilla said from beside me. I looked up at her. Her white ashen faced looked almost traumatised. She had tears in her own eyes and she swallowed like every breath of air hurt. "We'll find the twins. I promise."

I closed my eyes, not saying anything to that as I thought everything through. The only good thing that came from this, I know knew who our little spy was... and that betrayal in itself cut through my heart. I should have known, this individual was always lurking amongst the shadows, like a dagger poised to strike at any time. This whole day was a reminder of the fragility of alliances and the dangers that lurked within their midst.

"Nate... where's Loki and Chloe?" Camilla asked. Both her and Cayden were looking at me with speculative glances. "And who- whose the spy?" She added. I swallowed and looked around. Amongst the chaos, I hadn't realised that neither Loki and Chloe had shown.

"Loki... I have no idea..." I said. "But Chloe..." Saying her name felt like a punch to the stomach and I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "It's Chloe." I stood up, looking at Casper's best friends as they stared up at me with hundreds of questions littering their eyes.

"How do you know?" Cayden asked. "You and Casper obviously had another plan you didn't tell us."

I sighed and shook my head. "Casper told you that we visited some pack witches and had him cast with a protection spell. I told my friends the same." I mumbled out. "There was never any spell."

Camila's eyes went wide. "Wait... so the werewolves could have attacked him? He told me that only Hailey could..."

"He didn't tell me Hailey could. He told me he was invincible..." Cayden said giving Camilla a glance.

Camilla frowned. "Wait, so we were all told different things?" She gave me an accusatory look and I nodded. I sat back down on the grass, leaning back against the tree and trying to calm my own nerves and anxiety. Hailey wouldn't harm Casper. I knew that. He was safe until he was 18.

"We told you two, Loki and Chloe that Casper couldn't be touched my werewolves or magic of any kind... Casper told you Camilla that Alphas were an exception." I looked at Camilla. I then looked at Cayden. "He told you though that there wasn't any exceptions." I sighed. "I told Loki that fae magic was an exception, and I told Chloe that witch magic was an exception..." I trailed off, letting that sink in.

"So..." Camilla breathed out. "Hailey assumed that although she couldn't touch Casper because she was a werewolf... her witches could... so Chloe was the one who passed on the information..."

I nodded mutely. I thought back through every conversation I'd had with Chloe. She was the one who first mentioned the potential of an imposter amongst us. It would have been a nice red herring to make me trust her.

"Where's Loki then?" Camilla breathed out.

"Dying." A voice said from the distance. I looked up as Loki came hobbling over. He collapsed on the ground beside Camilla and gave me a crooked smile. "So... did we find the spy?" He asked.

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