Chapter 48

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Nate's Point of View: 

'He might have the birth certificate but it's not like he can use it to track Jade down right? He has no idea who Jade is." Loki said to me as we sat on a park bench with Chloe. We had filled Chloe in on everything that had happened and my two friends were trying to put a positive spin on this issue.

"Are we even sure it was your fairy dad who took it Nate?" Chloe asked. "How about if it was someone else?"

"Like who? Hailey?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. "There's no way she would have gotten in here unnoticed."

"How would your father have even known to look?" Chloe asked with a frown. "Like... why would he have just randomly decided to look through your mother's stuff? He must have had an inkling that something was up right?"

I looked at Chloe and pondered her words over. She was right. How had my fae father known to come looking for a birth certificate at my parents house. He thought I was the oldest heir. Who had told him otherwise?

"There's no guarantee he'll find Jade." Chloe assured me, giving my hand a squeeze. "I mean, we have no idea where she is... and your mother doesn't seem to really know either."

"My mother's trying to get a witch to help us look." I murmured. I closed my eyes and buried my head in my hands. "There's so much going on and I'm struggling to figure out how it all relates." I said. "I mean, Hailey is attacking packs, my fae father needs his heir by his side to remain in power and Jade... it's all just a tragic mess in my mind."

"Nate..." Chloe said lowering her eyes. "Your father... would he have been able to sense that you weren't his oldest heir when you visited him? I mean... surely there would be some kind of unique power or bond he would have to his oldest, especially if he needs them to rule..." She trailed off and looked at me. "When we both went to visit your father after he kidnapped Bree, he said he wasn't trying to lure you over... and he let you and Bree both go... surprisingly easily... it seems that he must have known that you weren't the right child... otherwise, why would he have let us all go?"

I pondered over Chloe's question. She was right. It made no sense. "How did he find out though? And when did he find out? What was capturing Brianna for then? If not me, who was he trying to lure?"

"Hailey? Maybe?" Chloe asked.

"Then why let us take Bree before Hailey could come... what does he want with Hailey anyway?" The questions we had were becoming more and more and the answers we had were slowly diminishing.

"Who knew about the birth certificate Nate?" Chloe asked, looking over at me again.

I hesitated. Who did know about it? "Casper and his friends... Brianna." I said. I looked between Chloe and Loki. "And us three."

"And your mum and adoptive dad." Chloe murmured. "If we're the only ones that know, and Casper, Camilla and Cayden haven't told anyone else..." She trailed off, the uncomfortable truth of her words settling on my shoulders as I let out a breath.

"One of us is a spy?" I questioned and Chloe nodded.

"It's likely." She said with a tight lipped glance at me.

"Spy?" Loki asked, flicking his eyes widely between Chloe and myself. "There's no way one of us is a spy... I mean, who could it possible be? The three of us aren't a spy. Casper is your mate. He wouldn't betray you, Camilla and Cayden... well, they're kind of nobody's aren't they? Who do they even know to tell?"

I sighed. No one in our group seemed like the type but it made the most sense. "We're the only ones that new about that birth certificate. Someone had to have informed my dad of a child older than me for him to have come looking... someone said something." I lowered my eyes to the ground.

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