Chapter 30

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Casper's Point of View: 

"I don't trust him." Brianna was saying as she sat on my bed back in our house, arms crossed, glaring outside my bedroom window which looked into Nate's. "I mean, according to the scumbag, he found me in the forest. The forest! That's simply not true!" She huffed and continued to glare outside the bedroom window, as if somehow Nate would feel the offending look and feel hurt by it. "Even his stupid friends were on his side!"

I let out a sigh. "Look Bree, when I questioned him, he told me it was secret. If he said he found you in the forest, just believe him for your own mental sanity."

Brianna scoffed. "And you're just going to accept that?"


My sister scowled at me and I rolled my eyes at her. I knew Nate was hiding secrets, but all that mattered to me was that Brianna was back home and she was safe. I didn't care how Nate found her, and where.

"Maybe I can get it out of Loki. I still own him." Bree muttered to herself and I couldn't hide the chuckle that escaped my mouth at that statement.

"Last night it looked like Camilla owned him." I pointed out. The memory of my bizarre friends drunk still fresh in my mind.

Brianna raised an eyebrow at me questioningly and I just shook my head, not wanting to go into all the details now.

"When are you moving back home?" Brianna asked as she lay down on my bed, gazing up at the white ceiling. "Mum and dad said the punishment's over. Surely you don't want to still live with that butt-picker, right?"

I raised an eyebrow at her choice of words, not needing that mental picture. "Nate and I are fine where we are... besides, I would have thought you'd like all the extra space." 

Brianna scoffed. "I would have liked the extra space if you had allowed me to knock down your bedroom and turn it into my private spa room... but mum and dad said no, so it really makes no difference to me whether you're here or with Nate." She scrunched up her nose at the foul tasting name and pretended to vomit.

"He's not that bad once you get to know him the way I do." I said.

Brianna shot me a sly smile and sat up, resting on the palms of her hand as she leant back to look at me. "Know him the way you do? Does he have a big-"

"Brianna shut up!" I exclaimed, loudly cutting her off as she threw her head back and laughed.

"I am not talking about this with my sister!" I said. Brianna seemed to find this funny as she kept giggling.

"So I'm assuming that means you haven't seen-"

"I will literally tell mum and dad if you don't shut up!"

Brianna gasped. "Mum and dad? You'd tell mum and dad that I'm making inappropriate sexual jokes about you and Nate?" she raised her eyebrows at me and gave me a smirk. "I mean, if you really do want to tell them, make sure I'm there, I want to record their reactions." She grinned almost evilly and I threw a pillow at her, forcing her hair to frizz up a little at the edges.

"Come on Casp, would you rather talk about it with Camilla?" Brianna whined, hugging the pillow close to her, and giving me almost pleading eyes. "If you're going to date the nose picker at the very least tell me about the good parts!" 

"Good parts?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, how about in return you tell me the 'good parts' of your relationship with Loki."

"That relationship is over." Brianna said rolling her eyes. She gave me a cheeky grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously "But if you must know, Loki is really good at-"

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