Chapter 9

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Nate's Point of View: 

Looking up at the white house in front of me, I took in the place that was going to become my new residency.. It looked nice. It was clean. Yet it wasn't home. Home was back in the UK. Back at the pack my parents had been in charge of for years and years. Back where all my friends were. Matthew, Mason, Imogen, Stacey, Jennifer... I didn't know what had happened to them. My parents had refused to tell me.

All I knew was that the wolves attacked. The bad ones. The ones that had been cast out from their packs for doing bad things. I didn't know what these things were. No one told me. I was only eight. They said I was too young to know why these wolves went bad. Why they attacked all of us. Why they left so many people back at home sleeping, people unable to wake them up no matter how hard they tried.

My family were some of the few that hadn't been left sleeping after the bad wolves attacked. My father had stayed back to fight the bad wolves whilst my mother had rushed me away.

We had spent days living in the forest. I had been scared the whole time. I was still scared. I wasn't sure what was happening. We were mostly alone in the forest. At one stage we did run into a witch who helped us find safety, but apart from that we had no visitors. My father found us a few days later. My mother was so happy to see him the two of them had spent hours in one another's embrace, hugging and crying.

My friends hadn't appeared. None of their families had appeared. Not any of the children, not the elders, no one. I didn't think much of it. I was only eight. I didn't understand the gravity of the situation.

Those nights in the forest were spent cuddling with my parents, playing games with sticks and branches to keep me entertained, going for runs in the dead of the night, going for swims in the lakes when no one else was around.

We were eventually found by another group of wolves. These ones were nice wolves, and didn't try to attack us. They took us with them back to their pack and gave us food and water. I didn't know anyone at that pack. I felt incredibly lonely and stayed close to my parents at all times.

We didn't stay there long. I wasn't exactly sure what happened, but the Alpha's of the new pack had informed my parents of an attack in the White Woods Pack. The White Woods Pack was far away- all the way in America! I wasn't told the specifics. The grown ups hid it from me, but I knew something had happened to their Alphas and they needed new ones.

My parents were offered the position.

I had been confused. We were already Alpha's... of our own pack. Why would we need a new one?

That was when my mother had knelt down and looked at me with sad eyes. Her words were chilling and haunting. We weren't going back. There was nowhere to go back too. We were the only survivors... everyone else... they were dead.

I blinked back the tears that had appeared in my eyes as I thought of the memory. My best friends: gone. The people who had been there for me my whole live: gone. My school: gone. My favourite cafes and restaurants: Gone. All because of some evil wolves.

This was my new home now. The White Woods Pack. The pack where I knew nobody and nobody knew me. The place where I had no friends, no extended family, no favourite places, no safety, no security. The only good thing was that I had my parents. My parents who would never leave my side. My parents who protected me. That however, didn't stop me from feeling lonely.

I looked over at my parents now. They were conversing with the people staying next door to us. The woman and man looked nice. They had kind eyes and were talking very respectfully to my parents. Looking past the new man and women, I could also see a girl and a boy. Both of them were looking at me and I gave a small smile. Seeing them made me miss my friends. Made me feel loneliness unlike anything else. I was never getting my friends back. Never. I had to live with that for the rest of my life.

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