Chapter 40

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Casper's Point of View: 

Nate and I walked through the streets, taking in the people around us as they all talked and laughed. Nate's hand lightly grazed mine and I couldn't help but smile when he took my hand firmly into his own. I scanned my eyes through the crowds of people and noticed no one paying us any attention. I still didn't completely feel comfortable with holding Nate's hand in public but no one seemed to give us a second glance so I tried to let it go.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Nate as we walked across the pavement.

He looked over at me and squeezed my hand. "We'll do whatever you'd prefer. We can go to the beach if you'd like, or we could go to a restaurant or bar."

"How exactly are we getting into the bar?" I asked Nate and he shrugged.

"If we act like we're old enough, they'll probably let us in regardless."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "And how many times have you done that?"

"Not many." Nate said with a smile. "Loki once brought a ladder with him into a bar pretending to be a construction worker and he was let in that way... maybe we could try that if we get desperate?"

"Tell me Loki watches Tiktok without telling me Loki watches Tiktok." I muttered with a smile and Nate chuckled and shrugged.

"Hey, it's addicting." He knocked my shoulder lightly and I couldn't help but fondly roll my eyes.

"We just need to let the fun find us." Nate said gazing across the street. He pulled us both to a stop and I watched as his eyes lit up as he took in a long crowd of people lining up, all dressed in costumes of various kinds waiting to get onto a boat "Now that looks fun." Nate said.

"A boat party?" I asked.

"Yeah." Nate said. "It combines my love for partying with your love for beach. It's perfect!"

I watched the line of people closely. They were all of various ages, dressed in costumes ranging from cowboys and mermaids to princesses and princes to werewolves, witches, goblins and vampires.

"Should we be werewolves?" Nate whispered into my ear and I chuckled.

"I can't imagine they'd react nicely if we show up in our true werewolf forms."

"No?" Nate asked. "Even if we promise not to eat them?"

"Even then." I said with a smile. "But I mean, if we did show up in our true werewolf form, they'd probably all be scared away so cutting the line would be easy."

"If you weren't such a prissy goody-goody, I might of tested that theory." Nate said returning my smile.

Watching the people closely, I could tell they were all sporting golden tickets gaining them entry onto the boat. I looked over at Nate and I could see a calculative and daring look crossing his face as he took in the people in line and eyed the bouncers checking tickets at the entry.

"There's children lining up with their parents." Nate murmured. "So it isn't a strictly over age event."

"Do we look like children?" I asked.

"Well, you're seventeen." Nate said, side eyeing me with a smile.

"Yeah and no one's going to think you're my over age dad." I rolled my eyes and Nate raised an eyebrow at me before giving me a playful smirk.

"You could call me daddy if you want."

I almost felt my eyes bulge out of my head as I stared at Nate who burst out into laughter at my shocked expression.

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