Chapter 37

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Hi Everyone! Just a warning that this chapter will get 'spicy' towards the end hehe. 


Nate's Point of View: 

The next few weeks passed by quickly. School was boring like usual, my friends were tiresome and burdensome like usual and things with Casper were exceptional unlike the usual. The highlight of my days were getting to spend time together in the afternoon. Whether it was cooking dinner together and watching Netflix as we complained over how badly we cooked and ended up ordering take out; or going for walks together through the forest, hanging out by the lake and making out till twilight. It was all amazing, incredible, electrifying. I was becoming more and more infatuated with every passing day.

My parents were starting to get annoyed with the increasing amount of time I was spending with my mate. They were worried about their stupid scheme and didn't want me to 'fall in love' with the person I was supposed to be trying my best to bring down. I avoided going home as much as possible, opting to stay inside the small little hut with Casper, wasting away our days doing anything that came to mind. My parents had tried to force me to move back home more times than once, but I flatly confused. I was 18 now and I was an adult in my eyes. I could do what I wanted and they couldn't stop me. Hailey had also been unusually quiet lately. No new packs had been attacked and everyone was falling into a state of normalcy again. It made me feel somewhat unsettled but i wanted to enjoy the peacefulness with my mate whilst i could and not have to worry about Hailey or the countless attacks that had been striking our world. 

The only issue with our relationship was the constant unwanted attention I seemed to always be at the forefront of. With the senior dance being next weekend, everyone seemed to have heightened their attempts at trying to gain me as a partner. I could tell that Casper was getting more and more ticked off with all my worshippers with each passing day. I tried my best to keep them at bay but it wasn't really easy to do that when I couldn't exactly give them a valid excuse as to why I didn't want to go to the dance this year and why I wanted to remain single for the time being.

Chloe was urging me to come forward and tell everyone the truth, despite the countless amount of times I told her that Casper wasn't ready for that.

She would just role her eyes and retaliate the same way every time.

"You don't have to tell them you're with Casper... you can just tell them that you're into guys. It'll kill two birds with one stone. The girls will stop pestering you and Casper will stop silently fuming every time he sees them pestering you."

It sounded simple whenever Chloe said it like that, but it wasn't. I had come to the realisation that despite the over-confidence I tried to desperately to portray, I wasn't confident enough to let the world know about this. I knew the back-lash would be brutal. Although my popularity could be a hassle to deal with, I wasn't ready to jeopardise it on the basis of outing myself to the school.

I couldn't prevent the thoughts from consuming me as I walked through the forest with Chloe. She had wanted to go for a run, waking me up bright and early and forcing me out of the house to let our wolves out for a little. I didn't wake Casper up and ask him if he wanted to come. I knew he was still insecure about the werewolf shifting thing so I didn't want to impose any pressure.

"You should do a grand gesture." Chloe said, hulling me away from my thoughts.

I looked at her and blinked. "What?" I asked.

She scowled, crossing her arms at me. "Do you listen to a word I say? Grant gesture!"

I raised an eyebrow at Chloe. "I heard what you said... but a 'grand gesture' is honestly the most common cliché ever..." I knew it was the wrong thing to say after Chloe threw her arms up in exasperation.

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