Chapter 34:

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Casper's Point of View: 

Betrayal could take many different forms. Sometimes It was the person you've been friends with for years and years on end, suddenly turning their back on you and all the good times you've had.

Sometimes it was the person who you trusted most, the person who could always turn any dark sky a brighter blue, could always lift your heart up from the deepest depths of hell and make it beat with new life, the person who was supposed to be your person... who suddenly threw you back to the ground again, stabbing a knife through your heart using the trust you've so carefully built up as a weapon to dismantle everything.

Sometimes, it was even your lover. Your soulmate. The person who you loved and was supposed to love you in return. Sometimes they were the ones to betray you. They make your life shine brighter than it ever had before, painting you in gold and silver until it consumed every part of your soul... before locking you out and discarding your heart like it was nothing more than a piece of trash they had gotten sick of tolerating in their life. Like the gold spirals of joy were all an illusion, ceasing to exist at all.

Nate successfully managed to tick off all three options.

The whole situation felt almost hopeless. Nate and I had always walked a fine line. As soon as he apologised to me for everything and became my secret lover, I knew that fireworks would explode eventually, turning into bombs as fire ignited, but I pushed all the negativity away in the hopes that I could prevent the unpreventable.

I knew I was probably over reacting in my anger and grief, but It felt like I had given Nate my heart and he had demolished it all. He was my mate and he didn't tell me. He was ashamed to tell me. Whatever his reason was for not telling me, I knew it couldn't have been good. Nate watched me upset, deflated almost every day at the ideology that he wasn't my mate... because I really had wanted him to be... but he never thought once to tell me the truth and spare me the pain.

I felt hurt, betrayed and neglected.

I went back to the house I had been sharing with Nate and almost everything inside seemed to haunt me. From the kitchen where he had kissed me the first time, to the bed where we slept side by side. You only get one mate, and mine had been a liar.

I didn't want to be alone in the house and had sent a text to both Cayden and Camilla. Camilla hadn't responded, I assumed she was still studying, Cayden had come over and I had spent ages whining to him about Nate. The two of us were now sitting alone in the living room, eating defrosted pizza as the television played some random Netflix show. 

My thoughts still felt so muddled and I had no idea how to make sense of them all. I just didn't understand how he couldn't tell me.

"It looks like we both have extremely messy mate situations." Cayden said with a sigh and I let out a sound of acknowledgement, still staring pointedly at the floor.

"You know I don't think he meant to hurt you." Cayden said softly. "I mean... maybe he was scared of how you'd react?"

I looked up at my friend and sighed, leaning back against the couch and staring up into nothingness. "It's just... I thought Nate was genuinely trying to change... for me... trying to be a better person, for me. But he wasn't. he was only trying to change because I'm his mate... if I hadn't been his mate he would still be acting cruel towards me and you and Camilla... I just feel blind-sided. Nate didn't care about me. He only cared that I was his mate..." I trailed off. The truth of my words sent a hallow feeling seeping into my chest.

"Maybe that's how it started." Cayden said somewhat gently. "But I don't believe that's still the case now. The way Nate's been treating you makes it look like he really does like you."

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