Chapter 23

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Nate's Point of View: 

The descend back down the mountains was quiet. Once we got far enough away from the coven that we were sure we wouldn't be followed or tracked, Emma and Jenna teleported us away, back to the pack I was supposed to run.

Once back on my own turf, my three companions seemed to study me closely. I knew what they were all thinking. I was just wondering who would be the first to ask the question.

"Hybrid huh?"

It was Jenna.

I looked at her closely and sighed. No point denying it now. "Hybrid." I repeated as confirmation. "Secret. You can't tell a soul." I warned. "Believe me, if you do, I will find you and you won't like what I do with you once I find you." I kept my eyes cold as I studied the three of them who all nodded in turn.

"I know what it's like you know." Jenna said. "No one accepts me because of it either."

"It's worse for me." I muttered. "My mother doesn't even know she birthed a werewolf- fae. If she found out..." I trailed off. I didn't even want to entertain that possibility. It would only be bad.

Jenna seemed shocked. "Wait... your father isn't actually your father?" She asked.

"My werewolf father isn't my biological father." I corrected her. "He thinks I'm his own."

"So you don't have Alpha blood then." Ashton said narrowing his eyes at me. "Mark's the one with Alpha blood, and he isn't really your dad..."

I rolled my eyes at that. "My mother was part of an Alpha family too." I said. It wasn't a widely known fact, but it was true. She was the youngest of three. Her oldest brother had become the Alpha of her childhood pack. My mother only rarely went by to visit. None of them were too close. It didn't matter too much anymore. Alpha blood wasn't required anymore to run a pack. As Casper's family had shown, other pack members were now able to challenge Alpha's for their position. These people were then considered the Alpha, and though they didn't have Alpha Blood, they could still utilize the Alpha pack strength after being sworn in.

"I'm assuming you have a plan right fairy?" Jenna asked snarckily raising an eyebrow.

I pursed my lips. A plan was yet to come to me. "Can the two of you track other witches' magic?" I asked, flicking my eyes between the cousins. I could sense magic, but I couldn't track it. Being able to track the witch would make life much easier.

"Yes and no." Emma said. "I know when there's another witch in close proximity.... I can't exactly track one though."

I sighed. It would have to do. 

I studied the White Woods in front of us. It was a massive place. It would prove very difficult to track down this witch but I was determined to get it done. "Are you all coming?" I asked.

Jenna scoffed. "Oh so now you want our help do you?" She asked.

"I need to have someone around to worship me." I replied back.

Jenna laughed and crossed her arms. "I wouldn't be mocking us. We're the ones who know you're secret now remember?" She gave me a teasing smile showing she was very proud of herself.

I couldn't argue against that because she was right. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "It'll be nice to have witches around." I muttered. "She'll be more likely to appear around her own kind."

"And after we do find her?" Jenna asked raising an eyebrow. "How are you going to possibly convince her to return your father's fairy powers? Witches aren't exactly helpful."

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