Chapter 15

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Nate's Point of View: 

The Alpha and Luna did not look happy. Not at all as they glared down at Casper and I. I assumed I would be the one getting in most of the trouble. It was no secret that Casper's parents still disliked me, regardless of my parent's attempts to fix their relationship.

"Does one of you want to explain what happened?" Alpha Justin asked, fixating his eyes on his son. Casper swallowed before running through the whole story. When he was finished the four of us sat in silence.

"Let me get this straight..." Alpha Justin said. "You both had a petty argument... and that led to your lack of concentration and ultimately getting a child hurt?"

It sounded bad put like that but Casper and I both nodded. Alpha Justin sighed in frustration. "I know you two don't see eye to eye... but you have to get past that." He said firmly. "You're going to be working together in your future and we can't have a pack where our high ranking members are constantly getting into childish arguments."

A part of me wanted to tell him that he was the one at fault for all our childish arguments. None of this would have happened if he hadn't challenged my parents for Alpha in the first place. I decided to keep my mouth shut. Talking back to one's Alpha was strongly prohibited. I didn't want to get myself into even more trouble.

"What are you going to do to us?" Casper asked, holding his father's gaze.

Alpha Justin held eye contact with his son for a few moments before turning to look at me. "We have discussed matters with your parents. There is a small house near the woods towards the back of the pack. You two will be sharing it until further notice."

I opened my mouth in shock. Share a house with Casper?

No. no, no, no. That could not happen. I could not be in a place where I was surrounded by his intoxicating scent all hours of the day and night. That would be disastrous. It was almost guaranteed that I would do something stupid. No. This couldn't happen.

"How about we just apologize and make it up to the kids instead?" I asked desperately.

"How is that going to fix your relationship with my son?" Alpha Justin asked, raising an eyebrow.

I bit my lip. "We live next door, surely we don't need to live together."

"Yes. You live next door and still despise one another with all your being." Alpha Justin said. His eyes looked at Casper and they softened severely. "I know there's issues... but I feel as if this would be good for you."

Casper turned away and glared out the window. I was aware he was still mad about what he had overheard me say a few days before.

"You will be moving in tomorrow." Alpha Justin said. "After school, pack your things and meet me here." He looked at me. "Hopefully this arrangement will not have to last too long." He looked back at Casper and lightly squeezed his shoulder, before standing up and walking out of the room.

Casper and I sat in silence. I noticed his brown eyes were still looking outside the window. He looked troubled. Troubled because he didn't want to live with me. A part of me hated it. The bond made me hate his resistance, although I understood it completely.

I should never have said what I had said about Casper. I didn't mean it. Not at all. Brianna had been getting to me and I acted stupidly like usual. I needed to change my actions. I needed to show Casper that I could change.

I stood up and faced Casper slowly. "I'm really sorry." I said. "About this... and about... yesterday."

He looked at me, holding my green eyes with his pretty brown ones. "Why did you try to befriend me again Nate? I heard what you said to Bree..."

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